You see, that gives me an itchy feeling
I am on Robolinux (Debian-based) on the Dell at the moment, and that command gives me
root root
I'll just check Debian itself on the Toshiba next door.
... and yep,
root root
So at a guess, somehow the upgradings over the incremental versions to where you are has borked your privileges - perhaps to do with systemd being introduced with Mint 18.
You could see if you can get to root and fix that, by entering the following:
sudo su
#and if a # appears at the prompt, you are Root, then
chown root:root /
Then run the %age command again and see if you get
root root
If you do, reboot, and then see if you can upgrade.
Thank you so much for the further Wizardry !
That "
chown" was the key , and allowed the upgrades to run fully , from terminal .
I ran "
apt upgrade" a couple of times , with updates and reboots in-between .
Now I have the GUI version of Update Manager back ..... a bonus !
Running "
apt dist-upgrade" found even more stuff but I'm not sure why it would have made a difference .
Terminal windows now look normal and everything appears to be working , as far as I've got with testing .
The Virtualbox problems were fixed by removing the existing installation and re-installing with the latest
deb package from the website , and NOT from Mint's own package manager .
All of the VMs that were saved from Mint 17.3 appeared to work after that ..... another bonus !
I'm not sure I'd go down this route again though .
A fresh install of Mint 19 , even with the laborious manual installs of all my wanted apps would probably
have taken less time , all things considered ( especially with backups of my Home folder(s) on hand ) .
I guess it's useful to have a record of it on here , with details of the problems and fixes .
With End of Support coming to Mint 17.x , somebody may be thinking along the same lines as myself ,
and with a bit of luck , they may land here ...
Thanks again for the help Wizard ..... you're a star !