Malware Problems, Is There A Terminal Command To Fix?



I have a problem with adware piggybacked on my google chrome profile. It's Offers4u. I'm running Linux Mint 17. Is there something in terminal I can do to remove it or do you know a good adware removal program that will do the trick?

Well hello, there..... :3 I ran into this issue as well, since I use both Windows AND Linux..... :) Linux should be safe, but since you want it gone..... Hmm.... Brb. :D
I am having problems getting rid of the virus in my file system. It shows up 7 times and my antivirus program (COMODO) doesn't catch it. Any suggestions?
I am having problems getting rid of the virus in my file system. It shows up 7 times and my antivirus program (COMODO) doesn't catch it. Any suggestions?
Oh, heyyyyy..... :D I just replied to you..... :) I just realized I was responding to you!..... ^^ Well, then..... You know that Linux isn't BULLET-PROOF..... :) Did you download a Program that wanted to use "sudo" to install.....? To be honest, that's probably the only way you could have gotten it..... Also, Comodo has a bad reputation among the FOSS Community..... :\ It's Proprietary, for one thing, so you don't even know what the Code could be doing....... :\ Nevertheless, it may INDEED have detected something..... Where does Comodo say it detected the Virus....? Is it /etc, /bin, /var or the "/" Folder (root).....? :) Also, you could use Wireshark to see if it's transmitting Data to a remote Server..... Is your System slower.....? Is it behaving oddly, such as Graphical glitches, a hot CPU, or perhaps your Computer is hotter overALL.....? :) Finally, even IF you got a Virus/Malware, it would STILL need your Password to do much harm..... :] Try to check the Permissions of the Folders such as "/etc", "/var", "/usr", "/bin", etc., etc.... :) Let me know how it works out!..... ^^ Ganbatte!!..... :3
I am having problems getting rid of the virus in my file system. It shows up 7 times and my antivirus program (COMODO) doesn't catch it. Any suggestions?
Ohhhhh..... Derp.... :p You said Comodo DIDN'T detect anything..... So then.... What makes you think you have a Virus, then.....? You said it "shows up 7 times"..... Hmmmmm.... :| It seems that that Chrome Addon is opening more Windows..... But that's not anything that could HURT your Installation..... :) Unlesssss..... :\
Because I have the adware Offers4u attached to my Chrome profile and can't get rid of it. Duh!
1. Click your Chrome menu icon
2. Click Settings
3. Scroll to bottom and click Advanced Settings
4. Scroll to bottom and click Reset Settings to default values

Resetting to default may screw up other things, like extensions, home page, etc.

Here's where I found these directions:

Good luck!
clamav may be able to locate the malware.

man clamscan
to see all available options for scanning;

in most cases
clamscan -rv /
will work.

And it might be no need to reset everything.
Because I have the adware Offers4u attached to my Chrome profile and can't get rid of it. Duh!
I already KNEW that, silly..... :) Adware is different from Malware or Viruses..... :D Just because it's in your Chrome Profile, doesn't mean it's going to affect your SYSTEM..... :)

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