Linux Reference Page



Hi all. I don't know if this is the right place to post it, but I wanted to share with you something I did for personal use, that you may find interesting: a 2-page reference card with the most useful Linux commands and stuff (existing ones were too old or incomplete for my tastes).

The "cheatsheet" is far from being perfect, of course. You will probably miss some commands. The Software section is very apt-oriented. But even so, I've received compliments from friends that encouraged me to share it. So here it is.

I give you the original LaTeX source code so you can customize and adapt the cheatsheet to your own needs, and the compiled PDF file. I had to zip them due to limitations on the attachment sizes.

I used small margins, but I had no problem printing it.


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Well-formatted, concise definitions. Useful. Thanks!

addendum suggestion for Exiting: init 6 for reboot and init 0 for shutdown
Thanks! Basically, I wanted to make an updated version of The One Page Linux Manual.

I really wanted people to give it some use, but was unsure were I should put it. Maybe I should email it to Linus Torvalds... :p
I updated the file a couple of times since then, but it skipped my mind to share it here. Let me fix my mistake.


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