Installing Linux on an iMac

It will be rare (if ever) that you find a Linux command that is not lower case. I can't think of any offhand, but maybe there is.
Quite rare ... just 8 out 2348 in /usr/bin on this machine :)
[tom@min ~]$ ls /usr/bin | wc -l

[tom@min ~]$ ls /usr/bin | grep [A-Z]

Don't use parentheses ( ) as part of the path. And capitalize Downloads. Linux is case-sensitive, so you must always be careful about that.

 cd /home/username/Downloads

The "cd" will "change directory" and take you inside the Downloads folder, and you can then use ls (LS, but both lower case letters... means "list" the contents). Or you can list from wherever you are, like this:

ls /home/username/Downloads

It will be rare (if ever) that you find a Linux command that is not lower case. I can't think of any offhand, but maybe there is.
Thanks so much for the reply, I didn't use perentheses when i actually typed it into the terminal , but i see what you mean. Does this mean I can use the ls commnad to verify that the file is actually in the folder? I am guessing i should also use capital letters that i have used in my username as well?

So when it promts me for the path i should use cd /home/BinGo/Downloads (as an example) and then it should see the file?, or do i have to use cd in this case ?
Does this mean I can use the ls commnad to verify that the file is actually in the folder?
Yes, you can. The cd command to go into that directory first is optional.
ls /home/username/Downloads should show you all the files in that directory. If you only want to confirm a single file, you need to name it too, like ls /home/username/Downloads/myfile.txt.

I'm more curious now about your username. Linux typically uses all lowercase for usernames... to the point that sometimes I'm not even sure it would allow BinGo. But if allowed it, then you must match it. As I said, Linux is case-sensitive... you must type things exactly.

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