Lol!! Coo, that takes me back to when we purchased OUR first PC.....a 2002 Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop. It came with a P4-gen 2.2 GHz Celeron, 128 MB DDR1.....and a miniscule 20GB 4200rpm Hitachi Travelstar HDD.
The battery pack was enormous.......but was needed to counterbalance the weight of the steel-framed 14.1" XFT LCD display. I could guarantee if you removed the battery, then opened the lid it would overbalance and tip backwards. It weighed nearly 8 lbs; not the kind of thing you wanted to lug around with you all day..!
could upgrade the RAM, however. Dell only ever recommended a max of 1 GB, but a couple of years down the line I discovered a white paper from Intel that stated the 82845 chipset WAS capable of supporting 2 GB DDR1. So I "invested".......and sure enough, Intel were right. She ran happily with a full 2 GB for the rest of her life, and only expired around 18 months ago.....
@Cesarito , would this be a possibility for you? Can we have your machine's know, CPU - we know the amount of RAM! - HDD, graphics, etc? Make and model would be a BIG help, and will give us a bit more to work with...
Over to you.