help installing efront on linux server



I am very new to this. Is there someone out there who could help me install this software?
right now I am trying to:
I am trying to install this cms on my server. I think I may have copied it to the wrong directory. It now resides in

I need to get all of the contents of that directory to

I have tried to use mv and cp commands but they aren’t working. I also tried to use filezilla to move them but it didn’t work either. can you help?

i cant put the directories here ...

Yes i am following those instructions. But i think i copied the files to the worng directory. I
I copied them to
httpdocs/efront/ instead of var/xxx/html/efront/

-- is forward slash. It wont let me put the address for some reason

i had to create all of the directories. they didn't auto-genterate. I don't know if it was supposed to decompress in the server but it did on my local computer. Can you call me or me you on skype or my telephone. then we can use somethign so you can see what i am doing like teamview or share screen on skype.
Hi there,

You need to reload the server and i have attached the instructions



  • efront.txt
    1.4 KB · Views: 1,272
