There was a time here in the US, when government officials were not allowed to do any gerrymandering.
Mostly they weren't supposed to have any business interests, but even if they did, they couldn't pass any
laws to help those specific business's.
All that went out the window a few decades back. The lobbyists and special interest group own the politicians
here in the US. Most don't even deny it. Large corporations run this country as much as any politician.
Until that changes, I don't see any privacy acts or ad protection happening at a political level.
I'm an old guy, and as technology has "advanced" (I'm hesitant to use that word here ) it seems
it has gotten worse instead of better. The first browsers didn't have "cookies". The first cell phones didn't
have GPS tracking. I've never used Siri or Alexa... ever, but even so, things I talk about with my wife
show up in ads on my phone, and even here on Even if I've never searched for these things in a
browser. Many new cars have GPS tracking built in. If I want to use the McDonalds app to buy
a burger and fries, I have to give them my email, and address.. why? Why do they need that if I never
use delivery?
We have credit card tracking, cell phone tracking, browser tracking, satellite tracking, GPS tracking,
and even vehicle tracking. A lot of this is done for security reasons, I get it. But then, if I quit using
technology all together can I hide off the grid? ... and really, what does security have to do with ad tracking?