Getting OpenHMD working with oculus


Active Member
Sep 23, 2021
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I have PopOS now, made the switch over from windows 'bout a week ago. I am extremely pleased, everything just works, and if there is a hassle, I just copy/paste some code into the terminal and it runs just fine. As a guy who grew up on the early windows system, I feel strangely at home here.

Except now I need to tinker to get VR working. I have already located OpenHMD. But there is nothing there except files, and no how to guide for them. I am working with a Rift CV1.

First I would like to ask - What can I expect from a VR experience on linux? Will there be an oculus menu like on win?
And secondly - How do I get the whole thing going?

If you use the officially supported Valve Index kit or the SteamVR supported HTC Vive or Vive Pro, your experience should be seamless. For other headsets which might not have all features or have some sparsely found reverse engineered drivers — like the PSVR or the Oculus Rift DK1, in practice you won’t be able to use it for games or serious applications: the drivers do not serve the right APIs and the VR set (controls, lighthouses, head-mounted display, etc.) do not work corrctly as a whole.

Also since PopOS is based on Ubuntu there is a PPA for OpenHMD -
Except now I need to tinker to get VR working. I have already located OpenHMD. But there is nothing there except files, and no how to guide for them.
There's an intro on the github wiki that hopefully describes what it is.
There are very few applications that make use of OpenHMD. The most interesting ones are a the SteamVR-OpenHMD SteamVR plugin that makes the hardware drivers from OpenHMD usable in SteamVR and perhaps the godot_openhmd plugin for making godot applications.

The PPA linked above is really old. Like, really old. You'll probably have to compile OpenHMD yourself to get something out of it.

From the OpenHMD master branch you get rotation-only tracking for both HMD and controllers.

Position tracking is implemented by thaytan at the moment. It's still a work in progress but is already being usable to play games. Instructions are on his blog

For more questions, you can visit the #openhmd channel on the IRC network.

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