Email Account Security



What kind of security do you think I should be using to keep email accounts secure, on cPanel. Does cPanel already keep accounts secure?

I do not use cpanel. Use ispconfig. Advices??? Yes. Block the relay. open it for specific customers, config ssl , change service ports and some ip banned program. Hope helps

I believe CPanel is most secure in terms of security. The webmail service is quite secure and i've never had problems using it. Also i think CPanel uses Thrid-party webmail services like Squirrel mail, Horde mail and Roundcube. If you could find stuff on how to secure these, you'll be pretty much good.

CPanel has also suggested this :

Upgrade your mail to maildir format

Maildir format adds extra security and speed to your mail system. Newer installs use maildir by default. 
If you’re running an older copy of cPanel, you’ll probably want to upgrade using /scripts/convert2maildir. 
Make sure to back up your current mail before converting to maildir, this can be done within /scripts/convert2maildir. 
If you see maildir is enabled when running /scripts/convert2maildir, you are already using maildir, and will not need to convert.

via :
DefenderMX is your best defense in the fight against Spam and Viruses
As updated DaReaper CPanel is most secure in terms of security, You can see SpamAssassin under Mail section in Cpanel.

SpamAssassin is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body.

There are also user-level and account level filters to set filters for a particular email account. In other words you can block any email id for a single email account or also for your all accounts.
Keep on using your C-panel, its the most secured place. I am using the same since 3 years. No issues encountered until now.

cPanel is the excellent at industry level and it is standalone hosting platform nowadays.WHM/cPanel has been used by the number of web hosting providers because of its fantastic and flexible feature that’s why it can be easily managed, customizable and backed by great quality support.

I guess whatever the info I convey you regarding your query may help you and if you need more info for the same Let me know!!

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