Copy files in diferent operating systems

  • Thread starter linuxprincipiante
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Hello. I have a question about files copy. If I copy for example a file .iso from Windows to Linux and after that file from Linux to Windows. The copy of that file on different operating systems, can It modify the file making it inoperable?

Bye :)

PD: Sorry for my english, I'm Spanish :)

Transferring files shouldn’t change it. Unless something goes wrong during the transfer. Which normally doesn't happen.
It won't change it - you could do some tests and compare md5sum before/after each move..
Thank you Rob ;)

I would like know more about how I make test and compare with md5sum in Windows and Linux for confirm that file is not modify. Where can I find more information about this?
I'm not sure how to do it in windows, but in linux, its easy.. run md5sum against the file:

rob@rob-desktop:~$ md5sum test.txt
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  test.txt

Then run it in windows.. compare the string.. it should be the same.

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