Can You Get Minecraft On Ubuntu 20.04 LXDE?


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Dec 18, 2022
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Im Trying To Get Minecraft On Ubuntu 20.04 LXDE, I Also Am Using An 4GB Android TV To Run Linux. So Is There A Possible Way?

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I do believe Minecraft is in the Ubuntu repository,
open software manager and search minecraft , it should come up , click to open and then click install button
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The java version will run on just about any modern Linux.


I haven't tried to install it under Ubuntu yet, but on Alma, Fedora, and OpenSuSE it's just another java app.
Mine came as tar file,

I extracted it in tar.

tar -xvf minecrraft.tar

This created a directory called "minecraft".

In the directory was a shell script called "minecraft-launcher".

You can type ./maniecraft-launcher from the command line, or you can just double click on it in your file manager.

You need to have a recent version of Java installed. java-17 is recommended.
Mine came as tar file,

I extracted it in tar.

tar -xvf minecrraft.tar

This created a directory called "minecraft".

In the directory was a shell script called "minecraft-launcher".

You can type ./maniecraft-launcher from the command line, or you can just double click on it in your file manager.

You need to have a recent version of Java installed. java-17 is recommended.
k, thanks!

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