Bálint Réczey: Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 from .deb (not from snap)


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2019
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Hi, everyone! Hope you're all having a nice life! :)
While checking my feed, I bumped into this post https://balintreczey.hu/blog/?p=688
An excerpt:
It is now widely known that Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) ships Firefox as a snap, but some people (like me) may prefer installing it from .deb packages to retain control over upgrades or to keep extensions working.
It explains how to add mozilla's PPA, remove Firefox's snap pkg, and make it so unattended-upgrades don't install/update it. Apart from this method, you can also opt to download the tarball from mozilla's website, extract to /opt, and add it to your system's app menu. This is how I've been doing it for a while now. :)

There's a pretty good write-up, and decent discussion, for this on the Lubuntu forums - but does this without using a PPA, as in your second method.

In my testing of 22.04, I used the Snap version extensively. Meh... It is what it is and it's largely the same experience.
I got tired of messing with Firefox's about:config to tweak things as I want them, so went to
Brave browser. (Not to mention the "ubuntu way" of doing things).
I got tired of messing with Firefox's about:config to tweak things as I want them, so went to
Brave browser. (Not to mention the "ubuntu way" of doing things).
There's this https://ffprofile.com/
This tool will help you to create a Firefox profile with the defaults you like.

You select which features you want to enable and disable and in the end you get a download link for a zip-file with your profile template. You can for example disable some functions, which send data to Mozilla and Google, or disable several annoying Firefox functions like Mozilla Hello or the Pocket integration.

Each Setting has a short explanation and for the non obvious settings links to resources describing the feature and the possible problems with it.
I got tired of messing with Firefox's about:config to tweak things as I want them.
You can get the same with Librewolf, out of box. Or, like being mentioned above, you can use Firefox Profile Maker.

Just got tired of firefox.

Amen to that. Far too much glitter & bs
What glitter & bs.

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