This is a thread where people may post a request for a specific topic of an article they would like to read. The authors here at Linux.org can look at the requests to get ideas or inspiration for an article. Also, keep in mind that just because you made a request does not mean an article on that subject will be written.
Be sure to explain (if needed) what kind of information you are hoping for or wish to know. For instance, if a user just says "firewalls", then that leaves the subject open to installing firewall distros, configuring a firewall via command-line, a list of the different firewall applications, etc. However, if such a user does intend to be vague like that, then that is fine. Perhaps, such a user feels we do not have enough articles on that topic, or the user would like to learn everything about firewalls. Please feel free to share your ideas and requests with us.
Be sure to explain (if needed) what kind of information you are hoping for or wish to know. For instance, if a user just says "firewalls", then that leaves the subject open to installing firewall distros, configuring a firewall via command-line, a list of the different firewall applications, etc. However, if such a user does intend to be vague like that, then that is fine. Perhaps, such a user feels we do not have enough articles on that topic, or the user would like to learn everything about firewalls. Please feel free to share your ideas and requests with us.