Arch Manual Install Confusion


New Member
Apr 14, 2024
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So i'm try to create a video/guide to help my friend and others to install the manual way with some perks but this method is having some issues and so i would like to hear other's option to this method i created for the guide. The issue i'm having is my pathing with partitioning, encryption and mounting due to LVM when having the /root and /home in the same LVM group and under the LC and VG.

GDISK Method:

Boot Partition:

- First Sector: press enter (default = 2048)
- Boot Drive (KMGTP): 1024MiB (1GiB)
- Filetype (Hex Code/GUID): EF00
- Name The Partition: boot
Swap Memory (zram):
- First Sector: press enter (default = 2048)
- Boot Drive (KMGTP): 5GiB
- Filetype (Hex Code/GUID): 8200
- Name The Partition: swap
Root Partition: Leave out if doing LVM?
- FirstSector: press enter (default = 2048)
- Boot Drive (KMGTP): 10GiB
- Filetype (Hex Code/GUID): 8200
- Name The Partition: root
Home Partition:
- First Sector: press enter (default)
- Boot Drive (KMGTP): press enter (default) (Use the rest of the drive)
- Filetype (Hex Code/GUID): 8300 - Linux Filesystem (8e00 - Linux LVM)
- Name The Partition: home

  • Use the arrow keys until you reach "Write" then type "yes"
  • Once thats done navigate to "Quit" press enter then type "clear"
  • Type "lsblk" and check to see your partitions are set

Formatting Partitions/Drives:
  • Type "mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/drive-name1" (boot)
  • Type "mkswap /dev/drive-name2" (swap)
  • Type "swapon /dev/drive-name2" (swap)
  • ↓↓ Type "mkfs.ext4 /dev/drive-name3" (root) ↓↓
  • ↓↓ Type "mkfs.ext4 /dev/drive-name4" (home) ↓↓
(If encrypted skip the set above and proceed to the cryptsetup and LVM)
- Accept "y" and proceed


Encrypting Partitions: Change the names due to adding encryption to this

  • (OPTIONAL) Load up the encryption modules with "modprobe dm-crypt" and "modprobe dm-mod"
  • Then setup the drive to be encrypted with "cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/(drive-name)4" or "cryptsetup luksFormat -v -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/(drive-name)4"
  • Type in your password (Store it in a password manager)
Repeat and Make sure to encrypt home partition or any other as you need for each partition needed.

  • Then setup the drive to be encrypted with "cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/(drive-name)4" or "cryptsetup luksFormat -v -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/(drive-name)4"
  • Type in your password (Store it in a password manager)
  • Start with opening a encrypted volume instead of creating by typing "cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/(drive-name) (volume-name)"
  • Enter the password for that partition/volume

Create a physical volume that will be refer to a volume when using LVM
  • Type "pvcreate /dev/mapper/(volume-name)" to create that volume
  • After that we need to create a volume group for LVM with "vgcreate volgroup0 /dev/mapper/(volume-name)"
  • Logical Volume is used for general use in arch on the surface level to do that type in "lvcreate -L (data-size)GB volgroup0 -n lv_root" (the size of the root filesystem)
  • Repeat it agin with a larger size for home "lvcreate -L (data-size)GB volgroup0 -n lv_home"
  • Verify your progress by typing in "vgdisplay" for your volume groups and "lvdisplay" for your logical volumes.
  • Load in the kernel module "modprobe dm_mod" and scan with "vgscan"
  • Once it find the volumes you just created * if you see it good sign *
  • Type in "vgchange -ay" to change all volume groups to be active

Format volume LVM system:
- To do that type "mkfs.ext4 /dev/volgroup0/lv_root" and now for your home "mkfs.ext4 /dev/volgroup0/lv_home"

Mounting/Assigning Drives:

Main Drive: LVM

  • Mount root "mount /dev/volgroup0/lv_root /mnt"
  • New directory to mount home "mkdir /mnt/boot"
  • Mount the partition "mount /dev/(drive-name)1 /mnt/boot"
  • New directory to mount home "mkdir /mnt/home"
  • Mount the partition "mount /dev/volgroup0/lv_home /mnt/home"
  • Type "lsblk" Check to see it was done correctly

It should look like this..

sdb1 | 8:1 | 0 | 1G | 0 | part | /mnt/boot
sdb2 | 8:2 | 0 | 5G | 0 | part | SWAP
sdb3 | 8:3 | 0 | (rest of drive)G | 0 | part
lvm | 254:0 | 0 | 230GB | 0 | crypt
volgroup0-lvroot | 254:1 | 0 | 10GB | 0 | lvm | /mnt
volgroup0-lvhome | 254:2 | 0 | 230GB | 0 | lvm | /mnt/home

Any input is much appreciated!

This is probably better situated in Distribution Specific, Arch and derivatives, so I am moving it there, where Arch users are more likely to find it.

Welcome to and good luck.

Chris Turner

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