In person help

No, I just dug that out of Google. Try contacting them.
Installing "linux" (mint, ubuntu) is so utterly easy that if its just that I doubt you will need much help.

Is there anything we can help you with in particular?

Distributions like Mint and Ubuntu are specificallly geared towards end users and to be easy to understand. Just ask us, I'm sure we can do it without meeting in person.
Installing "linux" (mint, ubuntu) is so utterly easy that if its just that I doubt you will need much help.

Is there anything we can help you with in particular?

Distributions like Mint and Ubuntu are specificallly geared towards end users and to be easy to understand. Just ask us, I'm sure we can do it without meeting in person.
I appreciate your intention but I seriously need in person help for 3 laptops. I've installed Ubuntu and it was not simple with obstacles I had and have and was never fully functional because I couldn't complete all my needs. It's not possible for me to do a back and forth virtually as I am on the road as a driver, my time is limited and am using Hotspot etc etc etc. I would like to pay someone for the in person service of installing mint, choosing desktop , app alternatives, VPN, installing WordPress and answering questions along the way. Trust me I've watched all the instructions online and made multiple attempts but I have too many restrictions to keep trying and failing on my own
I appreciate your intention but I seriously need in person help for 3 laptops. I've installed Ubuntu and it was not simple with obstacles I had and have and was never fully functional because I couldn't complete all my needs. It's not possible for me to do a back and forth virtually as I am on the road as a driver, my time is limited and am using Hotspot etc etc etc. I would like to pay someone for the in person service of installing mint, choosing desktop , app alternatives, VPN, installing WordPress and answering questions along the way. Trust me I've watched all the instructions online and made multiple attempts but I have too many restrictions to keep trying and failing on my own
there is a german company my company partners with (we only do business to business) called They sadly don't have a german site, but you can translate it with google (just click this link: google translated english version of

They specialize in enduser support for Linux, as well as office environments. We are kinda pals with them and they are very professional, and reasonably affordable. If you buy two hours there, they should get you going. They want 68 Euros per hour.

If thats not for you, you can google "linux user group <my-city>". I'm reasonably sure that is still a think. There should also be a linux group for your area on facebook. I have ZERO idea about facebook but those nerds sure accumulate somewhere x)
That being said though, I still think you should do this yourself. Everything you posted doesn't sound that hard.

installing mint

Read this and follow it (or something similar)

choosing desktop

Just use the default. If you don't like it, learn about how to use alternatives. But you will like it. Its a desktop. It'll be fine, trust me ;)

app alternatives

Just give me your list of "things" you want to install, I'll copy paste that into ChatGPT for you and give you back the list. Installing software on Linux Mint is so easy, you CAN do that. Its LITERALLY one click. Trust me you can do that ;)

Go to, click an account, download the graphical client, you are finished. Yes, you can do that, trust me ;) Its EXTREMELY easy or wouldnt make any money.

installing WordPress

@KGIII is actually selling hosting for wordpress, everything with a graphical webui. If you want to spend money give it to him, he will set this up for you for an extra fee.
I actually do rent such a wordpress there, and I ironically ONLY know about the command line x) "Even for me" xD it was easy.

If you don't like the free email and the free other some that comes with @KGIII s offer, and that its (I think no?) one usd cheaper than this offer, then go with this offer from directly
If you can install windows, you can install linux mint. Actually if you can install windows, you are already an expert at installing Linux Mint.
I tried to install WIndows about 3 years ago and failed. It was hard xD It flippin bluescreened all the time xD
Look for Linux User Groups in your area.
The one that @KGIII linked to in #2 is already headquartered in the OP's vicinity.

A look at their website includes the following

We hope to start having in person meetings again soon.

They would be worth contacting, they have been around for 25 years.

@KGIII is actually selling hosting for wordpress, everything with a graphical webui. If you want to spend money give it to him, he will set this up for you for an extra fee.

LOL I saw that.
They would be worth contacting, they have been around for 25 years.


Even if they officially only do video stuff, they may have someone sympathetic and willing to come help you.

Odds are good that, unless you consume a lot of their time, they'll do so for the low cost of nothing.

But, seriously, if that's absolutely not something you want to deal with, we can talk you through it - step by step to ensure you have a satisfactory conclusion.

Trust us... We've helped THOUSANDS of people learn how to install Linux - even if they knew next to nothing. We're pretty good at it. This is something we've done before.

In fact, if you're installing something like Linux Mint, someone here can even provide you with screenshots that show you the entire process. I'm sure they will so long as you're showing progress and are willing to listen to them. (That last part is important.)
If you can install windows, you can install linux mint. Actually if you can install windows, you are already an expert at installing Linux Mint.
I tried to install WIndows about 3 years ago and failed. It was hard xD It flippin bluescreened all the time xD
I appreciate all the suggestions but I am not exaggerating when I say I am strapped for time with being an otr driver and that I've had multiple obstacles in trying to accomplish all the tasks I listed. I've consumed hours and hours of instruction on all of these things online and have a good grasp of all of it but again I get stumped by my laptops and and time restraints. I can't believe people aren't making a killing helping people needing in person help on here for Linux especially as long as it's been around. I am not a fan of the virtual world. That being said I found someone to help me in person.

Thanks again to all