

Aug 19, 2018
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I've tried installing pycharm and retro pi on lubuntu 18.10. I had pycharm up and running, but made mistake along the way. I deleted the folder, but i don't think that has fully uninstalled it. I reinstalled using this method: , but when i try to create desktop entry after running absolutely nothing happens, even after restart.

I can barley get package manager to work because i keep getting 404 not found disabled by default error, so most apps have been .tz, uncompressed and installed manually. I understand that some repos may be outdated or discontinued, but 99% or those i try accessing?

Most of what i install, which is not from package manager, goes here:

install location.png

I'm extremely new to linux and I have spent the majority of a week's annual leave trying to get a basic set up ready for me to start learning the ins-and-outs. Please will you guys advise me on a few things:

  • how do i properly uninstall apps which have not been sourced through package manager?
  • why is pycharm desktop entry not being created?
  • are my apps being stored in correct location
You can probably tell that I am moving from win10 and that i am having some difficulties, but i refuse to give up. The linux environment seems snapper, slicker and boots in seconds. I want to use it, but I am getting frustrated!

Update, desktop entry has appeared randomly, but all other question permanent
Cheers for help. Managed to put on ubuntu software centre (life is now a lot easier) - reinstalled pycharm though it, ensuring that it goes in correct location. I think I now have an environment in which i can start to learn. I have done the following:

  1. installed Libre Office - setting default save to that of msoffice to ensuring cross platform access
  2. installed Ms Office fonts (times new roman etc)
  3. installed Tor (for naughty business)
  4. installed Gimp (but prefer below)
  5. installed Krita
  6. customized icons using gedit <app name>.desktop
  7. installed i-nex (cpu-z alterative)
Think my desktop looks quite clean, slick and professional:

The reason you are frustrated is because you are trying to many different things all at once before you ever learn how the basic Linux distro works.

First learn how the distro works OOTB and than start installing software that you think you might need.

Second don't use snap programs as they can be problematic and don't always work.

Use "Synaptic Package Manager" to install software and I would be cautious about PPAs.

Have you enabled the UFW / GUFW if not I would recommend doing.

I also recommend downloading and installing "Firejail" and run your browser through it or any other software you want.

My point being is if you try to do to much at once than you can become overwhelmed and frustrated and want to give up.

Take a little time and learn the basics of how Linux works and then start building onto it.

What's import while using Linux and learning Linux is to have fun doing so.

OK I'll shut up. :rolleyes::eek:o_O:p:D;)
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how do i properly uninstall apps which have not been sourced through package manager?

Have a bit of a read from Terminal of the manuals (when I place a # it is a comment)

man apt


man apt-get

Your best option is one of the above, followed by "purge" eg

sudo apt-get purge pycharm

This is better than "remove" because it removes dependencies installed as well, so no orphans.

why is pycharm desktop entry not being created?

Dunno, not acquainted with it. Is it GUI-based?

are my apps being stored in correct location

Nope, if they are all going into Home folder. :)

Better is a folder /opt . Have a look in your FM (File Manager) under File System and it will be there with /etc and/var and other such folders. It is likely empty.

Google eg "linux where store installed apps" and you'll find this one, amongst others

It was started years ago, but updated as recently as last year and is still relevant.


...make the acquaintance of Timeshift. Allan you have invested a whole lot of time in setting up your system the way you want it, and the definition of frustration would be to have to do it again if something heads south for the winter :p

See my Tute here or for an easy read, @arochester found this with the manual for Linux Lite some time ago.

I have been using Timeshift for a little over 4 years, and it has saved my bacon on numerous occasions.


Thanks for all your help and advice. I know it may read as if I am getting ahead of myself, but I simply wanted to get a basic system up and running before properly diving into the terminal. I have tried many distros, and a lot seemed quite glitchy or too resource heavy for my hardware. I did not want to spend a lot of time setting up, just to realise that my chosen distro is unsuitable for my needs. I now know lubuntu is probably most appropriate and i have installed some basic software to get me started. It has taken some time and i have made mistakes along the way, but i now think i'm ready to start digging into the details. I will definitely look into Timeshift.

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