Terminal Eye-candy

There are, but I do not remember the names of the packages. For example, I remember reading about one that enables multiple colours for text, so words in different categories have different colours. There are also things like this.
This post (http://www.linux.org/threads/post-your-desktop.4927/page-2#post-16847) by @ryanvade triggered this question of mine. Is there a such thing as eye-candy for the terminal? In other words, can the terminal be decorated an made to look aesthetically pleasing?

Seems to me that there is (was?) a config file that you used to pick terminal emulation (vt-100, for instance) and another to define screen behavior (lines per screen, scroll last line (y/n) or wrap (line# to start over on, cursor beginning (y/n)). Memory fails me, or maybe it was just a menu program I wrote using ncurses lib, but color and extended charecter-set used IBM extended codes ("<alt> 187" or something close gets a box corner).

Some cute ones:


My favourite way to make the terminal more aesthetically pleasing is to make it semi-transparent. It is a small thing, but makes a big difference in my eyes.
It seems like as long as terminals have been around, there should be dozens of "eye-candy" packages. @Yesyesloud has some images of what I have in mind. Here is a link to Bashish which I found in the link he gave on this thread (http://bashish.sourceforge.net/). It seems like there would be more than Bashish.
# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
    xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;;

and cowsay with fortune
It seems like as long as terminals have been around, there should be dozens of "eye-candy" packages. @Yesyesloud has some images of what I have in mind. Here is a link to Bashish which I found in the link he gave on this thread (http://bashish.sourceforge.net/). It seems like there would be more than Bashish.
"Bashish rocks your socks!" haha, one thing I mostly love in GNU/Linux universe is its developers' devious sense of humor. I often find a humorous line in apps/packages descriptions and while running them (like apt-get "super cow powers"). You'll hardly stumble upon that kind of thing on a stiff OS.

Besides, yes... It seems terminal eye candy is as old as ancient ascii art, with the 'flower power' of colors though hehe. Of course they also blend in the DE background with transparency and are decorated with fancy hi-res images nowadays...
Arch Linux has Archey3. It's like a special banner that pops up when you open the terminal. I'd like to see something like this for Crunch Bang.

just for anyone who may not know. but i like to use a terminal that is called "TERMINATOR" good features like being able to have multiple terminals on one window. Makes terminal look good. Also he program i used for the logo is called "linux_logo" every distro should have one


  • Screenshot from 2014-01-30 13:00:00.png
    Screenshot from 2014-01-30 13:00:00.png
    888.7 KB · Views: 1,849
just for anyone who may not know. but i like to use a terminal that is called "TERMINATOR" good features like being able to have multiple terminals on one window. Makes terminal look good. Also he program i used for the logo is called "linux_logo" every distro should have one

Nice screenshot, but why did you mark out your username in the terminals, but not in the window title? Why even mark out your username at all? As far as I know, no security is gained. Is it?
Nice screenshot, but why did you mark out your username in the terminals, but not in the window title? Why even mark out your username at all? As far as I know, no security is gained. Is it?
Then all we need is his IP and we can get into his system. :confused:

But yeah, not sure either.
Nice screenshot, but why did you mark out your username in the terminals, but not in the window title? Why even mark out your username at all? As far as I know, no security is gained. Is it?

just a habit i guess lol
OK. I am a bit "old school". Eye candy for a terminal is kinda like eye candy for a blank piece of paper.

I choose a background color, a foreground color, and that's it. I really don't like color coded directory listings - the whole directories in one color, executables in another color, plain files in a third color is just - well - distracting and irritating.

Then again, it took me nearly a year to get used to Emacs color coding my program constructs starting in version 23.2 (or so). And I hate IDEs; debug in Emacs or go home. Maybe it's just me...
EDIT: What I do:
Another suggestion is to use a roll down terminal like tilda and use a key binding to hide it, default being F1, then reveal the eye candy on your desktop; mine being boots. ;-)
I have always used transparency to make my terminals look nicer (to me), but this thread encouraged me to experiment. In my opinion, using an image can make the terminal look great. Here are three examples.



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