st recently when i have tried to update


New Member
Mar 24, 2022
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Just lately i have tried to update Chromium on Manjaro Linux and comes back with a fault, i know for many Linux is extremely easy to understand but for some of us we are just out of our depth lol i have copied hopefully the info so someone may be able to tell me what to do to correct in extremely simple terms ???

Synchronizing package databases...
Cloning google-chrome build files...
Generating google-chrome information...
Checking google-chrome dependencies...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing lib32-libjpeg-turbo breaks dependency 'lib32-libjpeg' required by lib32-gdk-pixbuf2
- removing lib32-libjpeg-turbo breaks dependency '' required by lib32-libtif

well on the face of it ; the package manager to install Chromium wants to remove lib32-libjpeg-turb but that will break lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 etc so the package manager isn't going to do it, without intervention

So i would have thought that your Chromium comes directly from official repositories but my question would be what is using lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 and lib32-libtif and where did you get it? Im on Vanilla Arch , similar in principle to Majaro and there are commands where you can find out wnats using what - if i can remember will post

 sudo pacman -Sii lib32-gdk-pixbuf2
the idea is you want to see a recognisable package rather than the library. if your not bothered about the package you can remove it with all dependencies i beleive using :

eg what needs gtk3 ?
sudo pacman -Sii gtk3
this does show for instance that a load of packages need it including geany

remove a package and deps
sudo pacman -Rsc <pkg name>
Last edited:
well on the face of it ; the package manager to install Chromium wants to remove lib32-libjpeg-turb but that will break lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 etc so the package manager isn't going to do it, without intervention

So i would have thought that your Chromium comes directly from official repositories but my question would be what is using lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 and lib32-libtif and where did you get it? Im on Vanilla Arch , similar in principle to Majaro and there are commands where you can find out wnats using what - if i can remember will post

 sudo pacman -Sii lib32-gdk-pixbuf2
the idea is you want to see a recognisable package rather than the library. if your not bothered about the package you can remove it with all dependencies i beleive using :

eg what needs gtk3 ?
sudo pacman -Sii gtk3
this does show for instance that a load of packages need it including geany

remove a package and deps
sudo pacman -Rsc <pkg name>

Thank you for replying so far im here 
Repository      : multilib
Name            : lib32-gdk-pixbuf2
Version         : 2.42.6-2
Description     : An image loading library (32-bit)
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : LGPL
Groups          : None
Provides        :
Depends On      : lib32-glib2  lib32-libpng  lib32-libtiff  lib32-libjpeg  gdk-pixbuf2
Optional Deps   : lib32-librsvg: Load .svg, .svgz, and .svg.gz
Required By     : lib32-gst-plugins-good  lib32-gtk2  lib32-gtk3  lib32-librsvg
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 124.10 KiB
Installed Size  : 319.96 KiB
Packager        : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Sat Jul 24 13:42:18 2021
MD5 Sum         : 1c8635ab1968aa8303478fa48a841563
SHA-256 Sum     : 0f5c401b07a254a61b5b7080b64684028e7f874889987006ade96a75f90ac8af
Signatures      : 3B94A80E50A477C7

Repository : extra 
Name : gtk3 
Version : 1:3.24.33-1 
Description : GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit 
Architecture : x86_64 
URL : 
Licenses : LGPL 
Groups : None 
Provides : gtk3-print-backends 
Depends On : atk cairo libxcursor libxinerama libxrandr libxi libepoxy 
gdk-pixbuf2 dconf libxcomposite libxdamage pango shared-mime-info 
at-spi2-atk wayland libxkbcommon adwaita-icon-theme json-glib 
librsvg desktop-file-utils mesa cantarell-fonts libcolord rest 
libcups fribidi iso-codes libcloudproviders tracker3 
Optional Deps : evince: Default print preview command 
Required By : accerciser activity-log-manager aisleriot alacarte allegro amtk 
appstream-glib arandr ario atomix audacity baobab bleachbit 
bluefish bluegriffon blueman brasero brave-browser 
brave-browser-beta budgie-desktop-view buoh byzanz caffeine-ng 
cairo-dock capnet-assist caribou catfish cbatticon cheese chromium 
cinnamon-desktop cjs claws-mail clipit clutter colord-gtk 
conky-manager coqide curtail d-feet dbeaver dconf-editor 
deepin-api deepin-clutter deepin-metacity deepin-pw-check deluge-gtk 
devede diffuse dino discord discord-canary drawing dwarffortress 
dynamic-wallpaper-editor easytag eid-mw electron electron11 
electron12 electron13 electron14 electron15 electron16 electron9 
emacs emby-theater engrampa etherape ettercap-gtk evince 
evopop-gtk-theme fcitx-configtool file-roller filemanager-actions 
filezilla firefox firefox-developer-edition five-or-more flowblade 
font-manager fontforge four-in-a-row fractal freeciv gajim gala 
galculator gambas3-gb-gtk3 gameconqueror gaupol gcin gcolor3 gcr 
gdl geany geary geeqie genius gestures ghex gigedit girara gitg 
glade glide gmrun gmtk gmtp gnac gnome-appfolders-manager 
gnome-autoar gnome-bluetooth gnome-books gnome-break-timer 
gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-clocks gnome-color-manager 
gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-control-center-cosmic 
gnome-control-center-x11-scaling gnome-desktop gnome-dictionary 
gnome-disk-utility gnome-documents gnome-firmware gnome-font-viewer 
gnome-klotski gnome-logs gnome-mahjongg gnome-mines 
gnome-multi-writer gnome-music gnome-nettool gnome-notes 
gnome-packagekit gnome-photos gnome-power-manager gnome-robots 
gnome-screenshot gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon 
gnome-sound-recorder gnome-sudoku gnome-system-log gnome-taquin 
gnome-tetravex gnome-usage gnome-user-share gnome-video-arcade 
gnome-weather gnubiff goffice golang-deepin-gir goocanvas goxel 
gpaste gpg-crypter gpicview gpodder gpscorrelate gramps granite 
grsync gsimplecal gspell gst-plugin-gtk gtk-layer-shell gtk-sharp-3 
gtk-vnc gtk2-compat gtk2-compatibility gtk3-demos gtkd gtkdatabox 
gtkhash gtkmm3 gtksourceview3 gtksourceview4 gtkspell3 gucharmap 
gufw guitarix guvcview gvim gwakeonlan gwget gxkb gxmessage 
hamster-time-tracker handbrake haskell-gtk3 hitori homebank howl 
iagno ibus ibus-chewing ibus-sunpinyin ido iio-sensor-proxy iptux 
jami-gnome kickshaw klavaro l3afpad lablgtk3 lasem lib32-gtk3 
libcheese libcryptui libdazzle libdbusmenu-gtk3 libdial libepc 
libfm-gtk3 libgnome-games-support libgnomekbd libgweather libgxps 
libhandy libhandy0 libindicator-gtk3 libkeybinder3 libmatekbd 
libmateweather libnautilus-extension libnautilus-extension-typeahead 
libnma libpeas libportal-gtk3 libwnck3 libxfce4ui libxfce4ui-nocsd 
light-locker lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-pantheon-greeter 
lightdm-slick-greeter lightsoff linux-steam-integration lollypop 
lutris lxappearance-gtk3 lxdm-gtk3 lxhotkey-gtk3 lxinput-gtk3 
lxlauncher-gtk3 lxmusic lxrandr-gtk3 lxsession-gtk3 lxtask-gtk3 
mailnag malcontent manjaro-application-utility manjaro-hello 
mate-calc mate-desktop mate-notification-theme-slate mate-optimus 
mate-polkit mate-session-manager mate-tweak mate-user-share 
materiav2-gtk-theme matray mcomix metacity modem-manager-gui 
moserial mousetweaks mozo mp3splt-gtk mtpaint mugshot mygtkmenui 
mypaint neko netsurf network-manager-sstp nfoview nicotine+ 
notification-daemon nvidia-390xx-utils nvidia-470xx-utils 
nvidia-utils nx-gtk-themes obconf obkey-gtk3 ocrfeeder onboard 
onlyoffice-desktopeditors opera orca osm-gps-map pa-applet 
palemoon-bin pamac-gtk pantheon-applications-menu pantheon-calculator 
pantheon-calendar pantheon-camera pantheon-code pantheon-files 
pantheon-geoclue2-agent pantheon-mail pantheon-music 
pantheon-notifications pantheon-onboarding pantheon-photos 
pantheon-polkit-agent pantheon-print pantheon-screenshot 
pantheon-shortcut-overlay pantheon-sideload pantheon-tasks 
pantheon-terminal pantheon-videos paperwork pasystray pcsx2 
pdfarranger pdfpc peek perl-gtk3 pinta pitivi plank playitslowly 
polkit-gnome pop-desktop-widget pop-gtk-theme pop-launcher 
pop-shell-shortcuts popsicle pqiv pragha profanity-gtk psensor 
pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa putty puzzles qalculate-gtk qemu 
qgnomeplatform qgnomeplatform-qt6 quodlibet rabbitvcs racket 
rawtherapee retro-gtk rfdump rss-feed-notifications ruby-gdk3 
ruby-gtk3 rygel scite screenkey scummvm seahorse seamonkey 
signal-desktop simple-scan snapper-gui snes9x-gtk solaar solfege 
songrec sound-juicer spice-gtk spice-vdagent steadyflow sticky 
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 sushi swappy switchboard switchboard-plug-a11y 
switchboard-plug-about switchboard-plug-applications 
switchboard-plug-bluetooth switchboard-plug-datetime 
switchboard-plug-desktop switchboard-plug-display 
switchboard-plug-keyboard switchboard-plug-locale 
switchboard-plug-mouse-touchpad switchboard-plug-network 
switchboard-plug-notifications switchboard-plug-online-accounts 
switchboard-plug-parental-controls switchboard-plug-power 
switchboard-plug-printers switchboard-plug-security-privacy 
switchboard-plug-sharing switchboard-plug-sound 
switchboard-plug-user-accounts switchboard-plug-wacom sysprof 
system-config-printer systemd-ui tali tepl thunderbird timeshift 
timezonemap tint2 touchegg transmageddon transmission-gtk 
transmission-remote-gtk tuxedo-control-center tzclock udiskie uget 
ukui-power-manager ukui-settings-daemon usbview vala-panel variety 
vbam-wx vice viking vimiv vino vivaldi volumeicon vte3 
vte3-notification warpinator wdisplays webkit2gtk webkit2gtk-4.1 
wingpanel wingpanel-indicator-a11y wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth 
wingpanel-indicator-datetime wingpanel-indicator-keyboard 
wingpanel-indicator-network wingpanel-indicator-nightlight 
wingpanel-indicator-notifications wingpanel-indicator-power 
wingpanel-indicator-session wingpanel-indicator-sound wlogout wofi 
wxgtk3 xarchiver xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdot 
xfburn xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xnoise xournalpp xpra xsensors 
xviewer yad zeitgeist zeitgeist-explorer zim zsa-wally 
Optional For : alsa-tools appmenu-gtk-module avahi distcc dopewars firewalld 
freeverb3 gammastep ghostscript gpsd grilo gvfs gwenhywfar jalv 
java-openjfx java11-openjfx jre-openjdk jre11-openjdk kde-gtk-config 
languagetool libinfinity libreoffice-fresh libreoffice-still 
pacman-mirrors qt5-base qt6-base redshift scim smalltalk stlink 
stoken sugar-artwork suil utox ventoy vlc wine-staging 
xfce-theme-greybird zbar 
Conflicts With : gtk3-print-backends 
Replaces : gtk3-print-backends<=3.22.26-1 
Download Size : 7.62 MiB 
Installed Size : 48.80 MiB 
Packager : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <[email protected]> 
Build Date : Sat Mar 5 08:55:49 2022 
MD5 Sum : c6ba0a56f553ae5ebc856fc0755da75f 
SHA-256 Sum : 411f7aa74a53630ea2c57ae63579133b346c381b23a0458d6bbb02ca737aab28 
Signatures : 3B94A80E50A477C7

This means absolutely nothing to me one think i best really get into this and understand the basics of linux
Ok turns out i was a complete idiot and deleting those files and dependencies made everything web browsers zoom and even the icon for updates and new programmes are unusable as i now realise those dependencies where required question is this is not the dreaded windows pc where you just restore to an earlier time, but im sure someone will tell me how to go back
if you already have Timeshift set up and a few snapshots stored on an external hard drive, then you are all set........but.....It is apparent that you do not have this.

Which Linux are you running?......Linux Mint 20.3..??....Linux mint 20 ?..etc etc

It is good practise and good common ssense to save the Timeshift snapshots to an external hard drive. Do you have one?

Snapshots are quite space consuming......a typical snapshot can be around 20 - 30 GB
My last post was written in a hurry.

So just to expand a bit more....

Reinstall. Whether or not this is a suitable/feasible option will probably depend on the amount of data you have, pics, documents...etc is quite possible to transfer these to an external HDD providing you have one of course

It is not possible to install Timeshift and have it replace parts of the files dependancies system that have been deleted, retrospectively.

By the sound of it, you have not had Manjaro installed for very long, so it should not be a great loss.

May I suggest you give Linux Mint 20.3 a go.

It is super reliable, stable, and I still use it to this day (for the last 8 years or so) There is nothing it cannot do, and there is more support for it than just about any other Linux distro

When you have made your decision and installed something, we can give you a brief outline on setting Timeshift up.

If your external hdd is big enough I can also show you how to Create a disk image to also store on the external
It is not hard to do....easy as pie.....and you will then have Timeshift to fall back on in case of a drama with the file system (timehift does not back up pics, music etc ect....only the file system)....and also a full disk image in case of absolute disaster.

And not feel are not the first to have this sort of problem, and you definitely will not be the last. I had many many more which I could tell about ....but it would take many many pages to tell!
if you already have Timeshift set up and a few snapshots stored on an external hard drive, then you are all set........but.....It is apparent that you do not have this.

Which Linux are you running?......Linux Mint 20.3..??....Linux mint 20 ?..etc etc

It is good practise and good common ssense to save the Timeshift snapshots to an external hard drive. Do you have one?

Snapshots are quite space consuming......a typical snapshot can be around 20 - 30 GB
Thank you i am running Manjaro Linux i believe i have time shift ?? and yes i have 3 external drives worse thing about this is where i use mac for music i have cloned two other macs to make sure i have the perfect copy plus an extra hard drive just in case, its a Dj music thing but ever since getting involved with Linux i have not sat down and even learned the basics, silly me but i have been able to get chrome browser back and some icons are also back, still have an issue now with any other browser ie Firefox Chromium these come up with Error404 funny enough i was just going to copy and paste whats been happening now and decided let me try to download a browser again IM REALLY REALLY lost now cant believe it completed and all my saved bits are still there this is mad or im mad ??? cant thank you enough for your input
My last post was written in a hurry.

So just to expand a bit more....

Reinstall. Whether or not this is a suitable/feasible option will probably depend on the amount of data you have, pics, documents...etc is quite possible to transfer these to an external HDD providing you have one of course

It is not possible to install Timeshift and have it replace parts of the files dependancies system that have been deleted, retrospectively.

By the sound of it, you have not had Manjaro installed for very long, so it should not be a great loss.

May I suggest you give Linux Mint 20.3 a go.

It is super reliable, stable, and I still use it to this day (for the last 8 years or so) There is nothing it cannot do, and there is more support for it than just about any other Linux distro

When you have made your decision and installed something, we can give you a brief outline on setting Timeshift up.

If your external hdd is big enough I can also show you how to Create a disk image to also store on the external
It is not hard to do....easy as pie.....and you will then have Timeshift to fall back on in case of a drama with the file system (timehift does not back up pics, music etc ect....only the file system)....and also a full disk image in case of absolute disaster.

And not feel are not the first to have this sort of problem, and you definitely will not be the last. I had many many more which I could tell about ....but it would take many many pages to tell!
Cant thank you enough just replied to your earlier thread i actually started out with Mint suggested by my brother who has used Linux for many many years{ shame he didnt teach his brother about it } anyway i didnt seem to like the way it looked ??? latched onto manjaro and was happy ever since but again i should have learnt the basics and definitely carried out a back up and also a disc image , as i said in my earlier reply not sure what i have done but things seems to be coming back to normal ???? i have noticed i have timeshift so let me see what this can do for me to stop me panicking in the future, once again thank you for your patience
The major link and source of information is::

The above link is the ultimate source.

You can ask question/advice etc etc etc etc.....and I can guarantee the accuracy of the answers there from @wizardfromoz

i have not sat down and even learned the basics,
I know the feeling !!...However.....going about learning by trial and error is ok.....that is exactly what I did.......BUT, I did it with a few Timeshift snapshots safely stored on an External !

The process below is for Linux Mint/Ubuntu
It should be ok to follow for Manjaro, because it is based on Linux. RSYNC where you will store the snapshot/s (external hard drive is preferable)

Schedule...if you have a drive with plenty of space you can elect to save several snapshots.....or just keep one or two...

Users...Include All

Filters...under the + icon select both lines

Thats enough....go back to main screen of Timeshift, and select Create

grab a coffee.....5 minutes approx

Now......if something goes south while you are trying changes etc etc, all you need to do is access Timehsift, click on restore, and go grab another coffee.

IOf things Really go south and you have no desktop etc etc....boot your pc to a bootable usb stick (you used this to install manjaro)...find Timeshift on there....set the where the restore is going to.......and away you go.

Your system will be returned to whenever the snapshot you have chosen to restore, was taken.
The major link and source of information is::

The above link is the ultimate source.

You can ask question/advice etc etc etc etc.....and I can guarantee the accuracy of the answers there from @wizardfromoz

I know the feeling !!...However.....going about learning by trial and error is ok.....that is exactly what I did.......BUT, I did it with a few Timeshift snapshots safely stored on an External !

The process below is for Linux Mint/Ubuntu
It should be ok to follow for Manjaro, because it is based on Linux. RSYNC where you will store the snapshot/s (external hard drive is preferable)

Schedule...if you have a drive with plenty of space you can elect to save several snapshots.....or just keep one or two...

Users...Include All

Filters...under the + icon select both lines

Thats enough....go back to main screen of Timeshift, and select Create

grab a coffee.....5 minutes approx

Now......if something goes south while you are trying changes etc etc, all you need to do is access Timehsift, click on restore, and go grab another coffee.

IOf things Really go south and you have no desktop etc etc....boot your pc to a bootable usb stick (you used this to install manjaro)...find Timeshift on there....set the where the restore is going to.......and away you go.

Your system will be returned to whenever the snapshot you have chosen to restore, was taken.
I think great minds think alike i am just in the process of doing it and your thread came through to make my life even easier again thank you

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