zsh: permission denied

for ip in {1..254}; do
ping-c 1$1,$ip|grep"64 byts"| cut-d""
-f 4|tr-d":"&
Can you explain what you are trying to accomplish?
When you are running the script I made a couple of changes to it - this will remind you to add an IP address if you run it without one

if [ "$1" == "" ]
echo "Did you forget the IP Address!"
echo "Syntax: sudo bash ./ipsweeper.sh"

for ip in {1..254}; do
ping -c 1 $1.$ip | grep "64 bytes" | cut -d " " -f 4 | tr -d ":" &
you have to remember to add the IP address when you run it
sudo bash ./ipsweeper.sh
you can use any IP address that your machine is using to list which IP address you can run
ip -4 addr
ip -6 addr
to get IP Address

If you use this copy what is in between the ======= into your text editor and save as ipsweeper.sh
PS - I just made a minor edit so it is correct now
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Hey man hope you didn't give up, but I'm taking the same course you put your sequence in single quotations and not tildas it doesn't seem like anyone else caught that but I did that and ran it with sudo bash and it worked what it looks like works with an ip too
You should really start your own thread in the Kali sub-forum.
It might be a zsh setting that prevents executing from certain directories. I just can't recall which one or where it's set.
you're missing a space between ping and -c. And some more after that. Plese post the script as a code block.

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