Weird problem with almost all bittorrent clients


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
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In the last week or so something weird started happening with almost all bittorent clients and I'm pretty sure it's a package that's causing it, I just have no idea which package it might be, so I'm asking here for ideas.
When you click on a torrent in a tracker, the torrent client runs and normally it should display a small dialog window where you confirm adding of the task and when you click OK, the download starts. That's what normally should happen. But in this case the torrent client doesn't show that dialog window. At first I thought it was a bug in Deluge (Deluge displays that dialog window but it also shows an error message for duplicate torrents which is not true), so I tried all other torrent clients I could think of and that problem occurs with almost all of them. ONLY qbittorrent seems to be behaving normally and displaying that dialog window in question. But qbittorrent has its own randomly happening issues which is why I'd prefer to stay with deluge, if that behavior can be fixed somehow.
I tried downgrading deluge but that didn't help either. Then I tried transmission, tixati, fragments and a few other less famous torrent clients but that weird behavior kept happening, which is why I'm here now asking for ideas what might have gone wrong.


To verify your hypothesis you can try installing the flatpak for transmission or other torrent client. If it now works it means one of your package is indeed broken, else that has likely things to do with your network connection or else.

Applications installed with flatpak won't even start. And they call that "the future of applications"! Yeah, right... :D :D
How about we skip that flatpak thing to the part where we try to identify the package that's causing the problem? If it were a connection problem (it isn't), I would have had the same problem with qbittorrent as well but I don't, so it's not a connection problem.
I'm not sure what you mean, you add a torrent to your torrent client and then torrent trackers are used to find peers. I'm just trying to take the steps you are taking when running into the problem, I don't normally run any torrents clients on my desktop but in a container on my server.
In the last week or so something weird started happening

But in this case the torrent client doesn't show that dialog window.

This dialog window?
Screenshot at 2022-01-22 21-30-33.png

Followed by a torrent transfer like this?
Screenshot at 2022-01-22 21-32-31.png

I booted a live USB of Linux Mint and installed Deluge (2.0.3) into RAM from the standard repos. It all seemed to work perfectly fine.

And you can't start a Flatpak either? Seems like the trouble may be with your system (since the last week or so), not the torrent packages. Just a guess though. I don't do much with torrents. A Timeshift backup might come in handy right about now.
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Yes, this window. Like I said, with Deluge this window shows up but along with it another one shows up saying the torrent I'm trying to add has already been added but that's not true:
After posting a topic on the deluge forum and since nobody responded, I thought I should switch to transmission. But transmission doesn't display anything, in fact it doesn't react at all, no matter how many times I click the .torrent link. Then I tried Tixati and ktorrent, both had the same behavior as transmission - not reacting to the .torrent file being sent to them by Firefox. Then I installed qbittorrent and that one is the only client that behaves properly.

I have a backup and I could easily restore from it but that won't fix what's broken, it would be simply ignoring the problem. I wanna find out what broke the clients, so that I can find a workaround or a fix for it the next time it happens.
Which OS are you using ?
I dont show sig's
Applications installed with flatpak won't even start. And they call that "the future of applications"! Yeah, right... :D :D
How about we skip that flatpak thing to the part where we try to identify the package that's causing the problem? If it were a connection problem (it isn't), I would have had the same problem with qbittorrent as well but I don't, so it's not a connection problem.
ok first of all peace.

I get that people using arch don't like to use flatpak because of the philosophy or arch but it's still the way the linux desktop is heading wheter you like it or not. You can continue to try to hack every programm to work as pacakges with the AUR but what good is it in the long term ? You are refusing to find out why your flatpak doesn't work and blame it on the tech when you are also massively struggling with a broken package.

Anyway back to your problem i still think this is a good way to test your theory of a broken dependencies. Of course you gonna want to know what package is broken and fix it, but a good way to diagnosed this is by trying the flatpak equivalent first.
ok first of all peace.

I get that people using arch don't like to use flatpak because of the philosophy or arch but it's still the way the linux desktop is heading wheter you like it or not.
I don't see every distribution replacing their entire user package collection with Flatpaks, Snaps or AppImages in the near future. To me Flatpaks, Snaps and AppImages are just an extra way to be able to install and distribute software so that if a developer doesn't want to support every distribution that they don't have to create a package for several distributions. Giving the developer and the user choice whether they want to use it or not because Linux is about having the freedom to choose.

However as I have mentioned in other topics before, it can't be that hard since for Arch I use a PKGBUILD, that pulls a deb file and uses that to install Teams on Arch and as AFAIK there is only a deb and rpm for Steam. I also agree that something not working shouldn't be blamed on tech, I have used a Flatpak myself at one point since I was having problem with an AUR package, I don't see myself switching over to Flatpak only.

Back op topic I don't think I use my torrent client the way OP does, I usually only copy the magnetatic link and copy that into my torrent client when adding a torrent. However when I click on a torrent, to then download it and then click to open the file it just opens and shows the files name before I click on add to start downloading. This is from Arch as well.
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*puts on my Ubuntu Member hat*

For better or worse, you will see increased dependency on Snaps in Ubuntu.

replacing their entire user package collection

Now that is unlikely. Yes.

Condensed version: I agree, but with one caveat - which is that you're going to see more Snap usage in Ubuntu in the future. They're pretty invested in the idea.
I don't see every distribution replacing their entire user package collection with Flatpaks, Snaps or AppImages in the near future. To me Flatpaks, Snaps and AppImages are just an extra way to be able to install and distribute software so that if a developer doesn't want to support every distribution that they don't have to create a package for several distributions. Giving the developer and the user choice whether they want to use it or not because Linux is about having the freedom to choose.

However as I have mentioned in other topics before, it can't be that hard since for Arch I use a PKGBUILD, that pulls a deb file and uses that to install Teams on Arch and as AFAIK there is only a deb and rpm for Steam. I also agree that something not working shouldn't be blamed on tech, I have used a Flatpak myself at one point since I was having problem with an AUR package, I don't see myself switching over to Flatpak only.

Back op topic I don't think I use my torrent client the way OP does, I usually only copy the magnetatic link and copy that into my torrent client when adding a torrent. However when I click on a torrent, to then download it and then click to open the file it just opens and shows the files name before I click on add to start downloading. This is from Arch as well.

Not every distribution of course. Hell some of them are still using replacement for systemd (void, devuan...). But it is way easier for everyone to use flat. Easier for devs, easier for users, easier for distribution maintainer. So it only makes sense that slowly and steadily it will be used more and more. Of course linux is about choice and arch user are really good at giving themselves choice by porting or developing everything. The question is for how long can this continue, i mean what's the point to take time and build some software when there is a flatpak always up to date and without consequences for your package dependencies.

You can be very motivated but when the game is rigged against you you can't do much in the long run.
i mean what's the point to take time and build some software when there is a flatpak always up to date and without consequences for your package dependencies.

The same reasons that have existed will always exist. Devs write software to scratch an itch. They don't just write software, they write software for a reason. Most of the time, it's because they (or their employer) need the software. Other people have the same itch and then try that software.

It's also why forks exist. They exist because their itch wasn't quite scratched and they think they can make the software better.

The distribution method isn't going to change anything on that end, I don't imagine. If anything, I'd expect it to increase the choices - because they have less friction between them and releasing the software. If I don't have to package it 4 different ways, I'd be more inclined to release my software.
Back op topic I don't think I use my torrent client the way OP does, I usually only copy the magnetatic link and copy that into my torrent client when adding a torrent.
Clearly you don't use it the way I do. I like everything to be easy - games, life, women, software... everything. That's why I've taken advantage of a function in Firefox that makes things easy:


So when I click on a .torrent or a magnet link, the currently installed bittorrent client takes it automatically.

I even have an extension that allows me to open YouTube videos in SMPlayer with a single click, but that's an offtopic. :)
The question is for how long can this continue, i mean what's the point to take time and build some software when there is a flatpak always up to date and without consequences for your package dependencies.
The Arch Build System seems to be designed to make it easy for users to create their own PKGBUILDS if they want to. If all software user software were to be distributed through Flatpaks it would mean to have a redesign of all distributions because plenty of packages having systemd dependencies and such. As I said before I only see Flatpaks, Snaps and AppImages as an extra way and choice of doing things.
Clearly you don't use it the way I do. I like everything to be easy
I like things to be easy as well, I do it the way I do because I rarely use torrents anymore normally. I find copy/pasting a magnetic link easier than having to download and open a file. Different people have different experiences and workflows, I tried it your way but I don't have the same problem as you are describing in your first post.

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