

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2019
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Good Afternoon everyone!
As most of you know, I am a big proponent of Linux Mint.
I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, so it took me a while to try out one of the newest additions to Mint, called Warpinator.
I have now used it for a few days and am convinced of its' value.
What it does is allow you to transfer files directly from one computer on your network to another. What a time and effort saver it turns out to be. I absolutely love it and convinced that most anyone will too if they try it.
I have one more thing to mention and then I will quit giving out accolades for today.

When it comes to Virtual Machines, VirtualBox is probably the most used app. I have used it from time to time but found it to be hard for me to understand and use.
Aha!, Eureka!!! I have found one that is easy for me to use. Boxes is the name. It is so easy that even this old geezer could use it with nary a problem. Give it a try. It might work better for you too.

Well, as I said earlier, I'm done for today.
OG Tango Charlie

I tend to have SSH available, so I don't really need help with transferring files.

But, Boxes is pretty straightforward and an easy way to get into virtual machines. It's really a virtual machine manager, using QEMU (something like that) underneath. It's similar (I'm pretty sure) to 'virt-manager' which uses KVM underneath.

I hope my brain works half as well as yours does when I get to be your age.

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