Update Ubuntu 20.04. LTS to 22.04. LTS


Active Member
Nov 20, 2020
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Hi guys, I am thinking to update my old Acer V15 Nitro Ubuntu 20.04 LTS laptop (i7, 8GB, Nvidia 860m GPU, 128SSD) to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, because I want to install the new ROS2 Humble version for ROS2 robotics development, but I am not sure if I should do this now when I need my laptop for work or wait until summer holidays. I have found this tutorial here which shows in an easy way of how to do it, but I am skeptical if this does not break my current system. So I would like to read about your recommendation and experience if someone has done it. THX.
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Under system requirements it says 20.04 is also supported? In place upgrades aren't a problem in most of the cases, but be sure to make a backup using Timeshift(or with another similar tool) before you upgrade.
I did an in place upgrade of my system the other day from Fedora 37 to Fedora 38 and it works fine and I have done several in place upgrades of Ubuntu from one version to the next and never ran into any issues, but that's the reason you create a backup for the just in case situation.
Under system requirements it says 20.04 is also supported? In place upgrades aren't a problem in most of the cases, but be sure to make a backup using Timeshift(or with another similar tool) before you upgrade.
Yes that's right and you also can test it by using an LXD container based on this guide. I am not sure if ROS2 works on 20.04. like on 22.04. but I will attempt a test. For sure I will upgrade in summer to 22.04. THX for sharing your experience.
Not too important, but you have a typo in your initial post. "22.05" isn't an Ubuntu version.

It's obvious what you mean, as you use 22.04 elsewhere.
Not too important, but you have a typo in your initial post. "22.05" isn't an Ubuntu version.

It's obvious what you mean, as you use 22.04 elsewhere.
Ups sorry I have fixed it :). BTW I have tried to install ROS2 Humble on my 20.04 system, but it doesn't work. Doesn't matter I keep the previous one and upgrade my system in summer.
You can sign up for Ubuntu Pro (horrible name) and keep your device supported for like another seven years. It's perfectly free and now means that you get necessary updates for the 'universe' rep as well as what we included with ESM in the past.

It's simple and free. It includes live kernel-patching, helping to keep you even more secure between reboots. So, if your hardware has issues with > 22.04, you've got up to 10 years of 20.04 support. If you're already signed up with the Ubuntu single-sign on service, say for their forums, you've already done most of the work. It's just a couple of brief terminal commands (and entering your authorization code) and you're all set to go until the 4th month of 2030.