Time to install a new OS?


New Member
Nov 5, 2019
Reaction score
My Linux OS was said to be supported until sometime in 2023. My desk top is freezing more and more as time goes by. I figure the OS needs to be cleaned out, ie replaced to regain good function.

BTW, it's been a good run with Linux since I dumped Windows 7 so thank you!

A link to what I should install would be helpful. All comments welcome as to my problem.


Sorry, my crystal balls are in for servicing at the moment,
what distribution have you been using?
are you using it as a daily home desktop or do you do high graphic/music editing, or are you a gamer?
What is your machine [full make and model number] have you made any modifications to it? [alternatively, paste back the result of terminal code inxi -Fnxxz ]
I installed Debian 11 stable when it came out a year and a half or so ago, it never froze, I never had to hard restart, if stability is your objective I recommend Debian stable. (Get the installer with the non-free drivers)
It would help us to know what your machine is. There are any number of good distros you could try. But you may want to try to figure out what is causing the freezes first. Try several from live usb see which one fits your usage and hardware.
It would help us to know what your machine is. There are any number of good distros you could try. But you may want to try to figure out what is causing the freezes first. Try several from live usb see which one fits your usage and hardware.
We could narrow that list significantly if he just give us his hardware specs.
If goal is to learn more about Linux, if you are ready, there is siduction, based on Debian Sid.
I liked the experience and learned while using 'cutting edge' software only available with the so-called Unstable repositories of Debian. Regular backup recommended and such is a good idea, anyway. Have fun!
The problem is that if someone ask you this question, the first thing you probably do is ask him back - "by what metric"?
Not only does the beginner not know the answer, he doesn't even understand the question you posed back at him!
The problem is that if someone ask you this question, the first thing you probably do is ask him back - "by what metric"?
Not only does the beginner not know the answer, he doesn't even understand the question you posed back at him!

Thus the article...

The answer is, 'there is no single answer'.
Thanks all, I just went ahead and installed Vera 21.1 Mate. Looking good so far, but I'm having the usual problems of down loading my DVD backups from the old OS on to the new.

Going to start another thread on this