Thanks for allowing me to join.

Jun 24, 2023
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I once was a member of a forum called cupoflinux. Maybe some of you have heard of it? Anyways, last year the owner decided it was time to shut it down. Even though I am a member of other Linux type forums. I have been without a Linux home. Some problems I am having with my HP hardware has caused me to look for answers... I found this place and when I get around to it, I might try asking some questions. Thanks for allowing me to join.

Hello LinuxUser!
Welcome to the forums! There are plenty of members here willing to help you when you post in the forums! What Linux distribution are you using as your daily driver and for what kind of things do you use Linux for?
Hello LinuxUser!
Welcome to the forums! There are plenty of members here willing to help you when you post in the forums! What Linux distribution are you using as your daily driver and for what kind of things do you use Linux for?
I use whatever works the best on my hardware and does what I need it to do.

I use Linux for everything except for file checking FAT formatted drives, Updating BIOS firmware, and updating other Firmware since that usually requires Windows.

My favorite distro, is Linux Mint XFCE it has stood the test of time. It's stable and allows me to get my work done. My second favorite was Linux Lite. It was gradually replaced with PCLinuxOS XFCE until the day I found out that I could not make yubikeys work with it. Tried talking to the folks in the forums and found out that since I'm the only one in the community that wanted such a thing, they decided not to put the work into it. I like MX Linux but I have a computer that it doesn't work very well on. And I like Debian, but the same computer has trouble with Debian for the same reason MX does. But I may talk about that more later in another thread one day.
Did you just misspell distro?
No I mean food, This is my favorite dish:
Spaghetti Meat Sauce with Ground Beef
We will get into Distributions slowly
Welcome to the forums
Hp often have problems, usually webcam [ on lappies age dependent ] and sound, I have an HP laptop in a box [as I call it] a HP Prodesk for my daily use running Mint LMDE and Parrot [both Debian based.]
@Terminal Velocity I hope you don't over eat. My favorite is deer stake.

@Brickwizard the HP I own was recommended to me by other Linux users. The idea was that because it has everything intel, that wouldn't give too much trouble. Unfortunately I stumbled across a weird problem that only seems to come out with a Debian Distro. Even MX Linux which is based on Debian, all I haft to do is install the antix kernel 5.10 and use it instead of the Debian Kernel it comes with, the problem just magically goes away. On Debian 12, the current Debian, if I installed the Liquorix kernel, and reboot into it, the problem almost go away.
Hello LinuxUser welcome aboard.

Yes it is understandable (given Shaun's work commitments and looking after his Mum), but sad that the cup of linux community is no more.
We're the nicest, and most helpful, Linux forum on the internet.

Trust me. I wouldn't just make this stuff up.

Welcome aboard.
Currently I'm tired of being on the computer. But maybe tomorrow I will start a thread telling my story about the issues I'm having with my HP computer and Debian, and Debian based distros. Talk To You Later.
Welcome aboard. :)

(I used to belong to 'CupOfLinux' too; but that was a while ago).
Thank you for all the welcomes. :)

It was way back in 1998 or 1999, a person in my vocational electronics class, during my last High School year, brought in a Slackware CD. He told us that Linux just keep growing, and I thought to myself, "won't it run out of Disk space?" Honestly I thought the guy was crazy. Microsoft ruled the PC, mostly because they had all the drivers for PCs. How was that going to work with Linux?

He didn't know what He was doing. He popped the disc into a machine and just started poking around. Eventually he realized there was windows program on it that would create a floppy boot disk. So we booted into a command line without having any idea what commands existed. He only knew ls was like dir for dos. Eventually he gave me the floppy to take home. I messed around with it, and tried to see if I could get it to install something. I managed to mess up the partitioning on the hard drive, and apparently the mbr too. Even when I used dos to fdisk it back to the way the partition is supposed to work for dos. After trying to install the system files for dos, it wouldn't boot again. Finally I went into the bios, and that bios allowed me to do a low level format. I did that, and later learned that your not supposed to do that on an IDE drive. Anyways that got things back to the way it was supposed to be. After that I could fdisk it and reformat, install Dos and was back to the way things were. For years I never messed with Linux again.

Like I said the guy was crazy. He popped open a cd rom that wasn't working correctly. He thought maybe he could clean the laser lens and get it to read again. That didn't work, so He hooked it up to a power supply, and cranked the voltage up. The next thing I knew he was using it to launch the Slackware disc like a supper charged Frisbee. After the disc got all scratched up He put in another CD rom and was shocked that it was still readable.

He was always after me to upgrade my old 386 computer. I kept telling him, I don't want to mess with it, the machine works. Plus I used it for writing all my papers on it. That made him mad at me and wouldn't talk to me for years. Sometime years in time, I found him online. We started talking again. And once again He tried to get me into Linux. To make a long story short, He left me a Ubuntu Disc and a used computer. I made a Windows/Ubuntu install. It ran but I didn't know how to connect Ubuntu to the internet. I was on dial up and my ISP sent me a windows installation CD that set up the networking stuff for me. So I didn't know what I was doing there. Eventually that computer became my Grandmas computer, and it wound up having Windows XP on it until she passed away in 2018.

Around 2007, I had to get off of my Dial up, it just wasn't fast enough anymore. I thought I would need to get rid of the internet completely. Someone on JCfaith, a faith based social networking site told me about a Verizon Wireless Air Card. So I went to a Verizon store and got on that for several years. Verizon changed their plan on me, without me knowing it. They began throttling my internet connection. Someone on Facebook who happened to work for Verizon, gave me their number to call. I called them and they told me what happened. In order for me to get my speed back I had to switch my plan from unlimited internet to limited internet. So I did that for a couple of years.

During that time period, another guy on Facebook, told me that I should give Linux a try. He brought me some Ubuntu Discs that He had made. I played around with them but couldn't get online. I did a lot of research but it sounded like it was really hard to get online when you were on that Verizon Wireless thing. I never figured it out.

Verizon also owned our phone lines, and they would never turn on DSL for us. Finally Frontier took over the phone lines and did turn on DSL. I wanted off the Verizon plan but couldn't get off of it unless I paid them a 100 dollars. Which I did! Then I signed up for Frontier. Finally, I tried Ubuntu again, and this time it connected to the internet automatically. And that is how my journey with Linux finally got started. The story continues.
With Linux the story never ends, you will be learning till the end of time
That is why I don't understand why some people aren't more gracious to others. Some people like to act like they know it all, and your dumb for not knowing what they already know.
The story continues:

Sometimes it's hard to decide what is the next best move. I had two computers that I wasn't ready to use Linux on full time. I needed both of them to work correctly so I didn't want to get rid of Windows. I decided to use the desktop to install my Linux distros to an 900 gig external hard drive. I went to officemax, and bought a Western Digital External USB Hard Drive. I would triple boot several different distributions. They would all run for a while and freeze up. People in the forums kept telling me that it sounded like a hardware problem. I wasted lots and lots and lots of time doing hardware stress tests. Finally one day my laptop froze up on Windows 7. I took into the local computer shop, and they did some tests and I think put some new thermal paste on the CPU. In the mean time, I started doing some research into the external hard drive I bought. According to someone online, this particular model wouldn't fully format. So I gave it a try, and sure enough it would stop at 99%. So I started looking for firmware updates. Sure enough WD made a firmware update for the external hard drive. I downloaded it and installed it. Then I tried re formatting the drive, and this time it completed successfully. Sadly I never went back to using that drive for testing Linux. Instead I repurposed the drive as a backup drive. I bought a second internal hard drive for my old desktop. I tried LXLE Linux on it. But I had lots of problems. Little did I know, I accidentally downloaded a release candidate. And the admin told me that LXLE wasn't for beginners so I left them.

Next I bought a used Dell desktop computer. It had a GPU card in it. Apparently it wasn't compatible with Linux because you couldn't see a thing but strange colors on your monitor screen. I ended taking it out, and smashing it. I used the internal graphics instead until I discovered, that it flickered on a black background. Matthew Moore respin of Manjaro was the first distro I tried on that machine. It ran good, but every now and then Manjaro updates would break the icons or I would have a kernel panic. After reinstalling and starting all over 3 times, I gave up on Manjaro, and then I installed Linux Mint 17. Then it became my main PC! Mint just worked great and I started getting some Linux experience built up. But I still had those video flickering problems. I went to the local computer shop, and they sold me a low end Nvidia card. I was surprised at how well Linux Mint installed the Nvidia drivers for me. I used that old computer for several years after.

I finally stopped using the machine, when stuff started freezing up. I was currently using MX Linux, and whenever I was watching video with VLC or sometimes when I was running Libreoffice the XFCE desktop would become unresponsive. Linux was still running, you could change tty and shutdown. I guess we finally decided that what was going on was that Nvidia card couldn't handle the configuration of MX Linux/XFCE desktop. Probably because the card was so old that the drivers were no longer being supported. That was when I finally decided to look for another PC to replace it. I spoke with some on cupoflinux they recommended the HP computer I currently have. The Story Continues.
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That is why I don't understand why some people aren't more gracious to others. Some people like to act like they know it all, and your dumb for not knowing what they already know.
I hope we do not fall in that category [generally] I know we can be a bit hard on youngsters with no experience of Linux who cannot be bothered to read distribution documentation and insist they want Kali, But we do our best with our collective knowledge
I hope we do not fall in that category [generally] I know we can be a bit hard on youngsters with no experience of Linux who cannot be bothered to read distribution documentation and insist they want Kali, But we do our best with our collective knowledge
I never thought of trying Kali as my first distro, but I guess I can understand why someone would want to. It's for pen testing. And those people probably just want to get started with pen testing. I've looked at Kali, and I'm like I'm not ready for this. LOL But the only pen testing I would want to do is on my own network to see if i got any major holes. So far so good, so I guess I'm not going into that now. The Story Continues.