Some affairs are sweet but very short

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New Member
Jun 6, 2021
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I only joined today, but sadly I must leave.

It is awful when sites use Google Capcha and it's built in tracking code, but this cloud network you use demanding I get through FOUR pages of photos designed to confuse bots and irritate the hell out of users is not something I am prepared to tolerate.

My IP is in the UK with the biggest ISP, British Telecom.

I do not know who installed this awful hurdle, whether they misconfigured it or are on some power trip, but it shows a lack of respect for users.

There are other Linux forums, I am a member of a plethora of forums and none of them treat me in this awful way.

Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

See Ya Bye.
You shouldn't be seeing Google's RECAPTCHA. You should be seeing (for the time being) Cloudflare's CAPTCHA. They're separate products, from different vendors, and with different uses.
https does not 'solve the problem'

I use https everywhere add on

Maybe I am just having an early morning dream, but wouldnt it be nice if our IP addresses were captured and once verified not interrupted again
Maybe I am just having an early morning dream, but wouldnt it be nice if our IP addresses were captured and once verified not interrupted again

Cloudflare is entirely proprietary and very much a black-box that's constantly changing.

I fully agree with your idea.
well the images are quite hard to see and as its been said sometimes its a round of 2 0r 3 goes of tedious images to go through.

It certainly looks like Google captcha ; they all look the same to me except for the captcha system on my daughters web site , as Shakespear might have said "wot i wrote myself"
https does not 'solve the problem'
Well, maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part, but it is still true for me. I have not been forced into the captcha yet.

How about HTTPS in combination with IP location? Brian, I know you use a VPN sometimes... have you set it to a US location yet to see if that might help?
Hopefully this is sorted soon.

It could be some time before the admin has a chance to look in and see the problem, and then they may have to do some testing to fix the issue.
@Jane33 it is a shame that you joined us at exactly the wrong time or else we could showcase what a knowledgeable and friendly community we have in place here.

I have been using Linux for over 11 years, and have membership (nominally) at over a dozen sites and forums worldwide, and I have found nothing to match this place. So much so that I have confined my activities to here for the 4 years and a month or so I have been active here.

In that time, we have had two, maybe three, glitches in our ability to deliver content readily, and probably have an uptime of 99.9 recurring %, which I find quite admirable.

I expect that by the time you get to your age, you would have learned a lot about patience and tolerance? I would ask for an exercise of that here.

The software administration of the site is in the hands of one person, our Administrator, who is unfortunately currently undergoing a transition in his family life beyond his control, and when he is able to attend to our problems, I expect a swift remedy to our current dilemma.

You have already seen at your Thread here

how helpful and willing our volunteer helpers can be, and experienced Members are pulling together at

... which you have also posted at, to help find workarounds that may be of use to all.

I do not know who installed this awful hurdle, whether they misconfigured it or are on some power trip, but it shows a lack of respect for users.

Disrespect does not enter into the equation, and as for power trips, that is just insulting, and uncalled for, so your paragraph there could just as easily read

"I do not know what the problem is, and I find it frustrating", which could be said for us all.

Our same Administrator is responsible for handling resignations of Membership, and if you wish to pursue that, then you should press the "Contact us" item near bottom page right and lodge a request. It will be prioritised or triaged, but may be handled after the site is fixed, which is our greatest priority, I feel.

If you should choose to vote with your feet, then good luck in your Linux travels.

Chris Turner
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Oh, if you want to screw with the CAPTCHAs, you can just keep answering them wrong and eventually the system gets tired of you and lets you through. I'm talking like 20+ attempts, all answered wrong. (I am too lazy to verify if this is still true, but it was true with RECAPTCHA, Google's version.)

Why would you do this? Well, they're using your work to train AI engines. You might just as well throw a monkey wrench into the works when you get a chance!

Sometimes, it'll be a blurry picture of a bicycle (or whatever object you're supposed to find) and that's also when the AI system isn't sure what it is. So, you sometimes can intentionally answer those wrong and get through the system and also be causing a little mayhem.
It is awful when sites use Google Capcha and it's built in tracking code
Look carefully. They're not Google captcha, they're hcaptcha.
I doubt that the type of Captcha is of any consequence, it is annoying, but we are stuck with it for the time being.

In the fullness of time it will be remedied. :)
You shouldn't be seeing Google's RECAPTCHA. You should be seeing (for the time being) Cloudflare's CAPTCHA. They're separate products, from different vendors, and with different uses.

What I was saying was I avoid sites with Google's version which I find disability unfriendly and as you will find if you research it, is a privacy snoop.

Hcaptcha is better in that it allows me to register as disabled but it is missing the point; why put a hurdle in front of your visitors. I learnt web design from a marketing aspect some years ago and they were teaching us not to use all these widgets that stop people engaging with a website. Things like those boxes that ask you to subscribe before you even know much about the site or content blocking crap left right and center that is blocking the most important thing, content.

Installing something like Cloudfare is not a binary configuration, there are settings that determine how strict it is, all I can say is it is too strict for me.
I find partially disability unfriendly

I'm colorblind and still manage to solve them with otherwise poor vision.

On top of that, this is a temporary thing (presumably) for one of two reasons - an unintended result from a settings change or the site is actively under attack. Both of those are legitimate reasons as the admin is a single person and only human. More importantly, it could equally be the site defending itself against a DDoS or similar.

We don't need your theatrics. If you're leaving, just do so. If not, sit down and be patient as this will surely be addressed as soon as realistically possible.
@Jane33 can come out of the cupboard now.

The reason for the "over the top" captcha imposition was ...

System back to normal

Full steam ahead!
@Jane33 @Condobloke

Greetings from the Old Geezer.
One thing I have found in life is that patience has to be learned by most people. Some of us do not come by it naturally - like me. Some do - not like me.
They say that the first impression is the longest lasting. That may be true, but can be overcome by patiently waiting to see if the first impression is the real one. Many times it is not.
Lots of things in life can be missed just by being impatient.
Enough sermonizing from the Old Geezer - he tends to get windy lots of times.
Welcome to the forum and I hope your stay is much improved by developing a little more patience.
Old Geezer, Tango Charlie

PS I see that the captcha thing has been fixed.
Let's hear it for the Administrator - Rob - Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Let's hear it for the Administrator - Rob - Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Hear, hear. :) :)

@Rob does a job that I wouldn't envy, and it is so easy to take things for granted.

The very features that make this site attractive to us, and our growth in Membership over the last 4 years, presumably make us a target to "the Dark Side".

Thanks for everybody's input.

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