setting up an online anonymous presence.

As for the TOR browser, I understand you're trying to protect your privacy, but you never gave further details about what you're planning to use it for
I don't have any social media accounts. I have a couple forums other than this one I am on. I edit my company website. I search for current happenings, and I research all kinds of DIY stuff. I live rural and dont have local access to a lot of items, so I do a fair amount of online shopping.

It's not really what I am planning on using it for, so much as figuring out what I should be using it for.

I asked if I should use 2 browsers because mostly I just want to be able to browse around without manipulated search results, trackers, ads, etc., but for all the routine stuff stored passwords are very convenient. I'm both in and out of stuff all the time, and some things I access so rarely I'd never rememder the passwords.

I tried Librewolf, but off the hop I was trying to set things up as I am used to functioning. If I can't save passwords day to day stuff will be a pain so I never finished setting up the Dell at that time. I'm a little more aware of what to expect now.

Are passwords and bookmarks just an issue on the side of browser footprinting, thus eliminating any privacy gained by other measures?

Best strategy a copy and paste password file?

fx9 asked:
Best strategy a copy and paste password file?
Usually the advice on keeping passwords is to use a password manager. Unlike a "copy and paste password file", which I imagine is just plain text, password managers create strong passwords with high level encryption for as many passwords as you're ever likely to want and have, but you only need to remember a single master password for the password manager itself. The password manager keeps the data in an encrypted database for you. There's quite a few of them for linux so it's just a matter of choice and research.
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Usually the advice on keeping passwords is to use a password manager.

So far what I've done with login info is put it on a LibreOffice Writer document and copy and paste them into the browser whenever I need to. I thankfully haven't encountered any situations where my laptop was stolen and then had my info compromised, but I should thank you for reminding me to still look into getting a password manager. I came across this article for anyone interested:
There are hundreds of options for password managers, but I always suggest to use a software that doesn't require an internet connection, like keepass.
I asked if I should use 2 browsers

Yes, if not more. I compartmentalize activities to certain browsers. I have for years and lately security researchers are suggesting you do the same.

I don't actually do it for security reasons. I do it 'cause it's one of my ways of organizing.
Yes, if not more. I compartmentalize activities to certain browsers. I have for years and lately security researchers are suggesting you do the same.

Is that supposed to reduce the amount of data collection from the browser itself?
Keep KeePassXC database on a thumb drive and another with your key file and password or passphrase. Encrypt both using VeraCrypt.
Is that supposed to reduce the amount of data collection from the browser itself?

It makes it easier to decide which data is collected by whom.

It also means you're using different information in either, so if one is compromised then it's just the one.
i don't care much for "browser isolation", but having two browsers has other benefits. It's something i had to do as a windows user for years just because the browsers don't always work...and i still like using chrome and firefox because a)firefox has easy to download ad-blockers and JS script blockers which also helps circumvent paywalls (counter security) b) chrome is often the choice option for the best web code interpretation....

@the community: so...if i am to be certain...a password manager is a password generator which allows you to label which accounts and stuff you use it for? I haven't downloaded one so far not because i'm worried about malware (even though these "security experts" would say that's the ultimate reason you should hole yourself up in a cave and stop using the internet except with maybe a heavily encrypted apple or linux device...) but because when you lose your information it can get really frustrating, and i will always have my brain until i start to get offense to KGIII or anyone here, but apparently alzheimers happens simply just because of a build up of plaque which can be prevented by doing crafts and other things that challenge your reasoning...
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i don't care much for "browser isolation", but having two browsers has other benefits. It's something i had to do as a windows user for years just because the browsers don't always work...and i still like using chrome and firefox because a)firefox has easy to download ad-blockers and JS script blockers which also helps circumvent paywalls (counter security) b) chrome is often the choice option for the best web code interpretation....

@the community: so...if i am to be certain...a password manager is a password generator which allows you to label which accounts and stuff you use it for? I haven't downloaded one so far not because i'm worried about malware (even though these "security experts" would say that's the ultimate reason you should hole yourself up in a cave and stop using the internet except maybe a heavily encrypted apple or linux device...) but because when you lose your information it can get really frustrating, and i will always have my brain until i start to get offense to KGIII or anyone here, but apparently alzheimers happens simply just because of a build up of plaque which can be prevented by doing crafts and other things that challenge your reasoning...
You could use this:
It's called browser isolation.

While I do appreciate you showing me that video to help me understand your point, I don't see it as helpful because I don't use ANY of Google's or Facebook's "services" due to my browsing habits, which then makes it harder for them to fingerprint me. Granted, even on a site like this where there's links to various social media platforms, they can still fingerprint me, but the amount of info about me isn't enough to make me lose sleep over it. The reason I trust LibreWolf with everything I do is because A) I've researched info about it, and B) The developers put a lot of effort to adding in privacy features by default. If I really wanted to, I could go a step further and use the terminal to access the web.
While I do appreciate you showing me that video to help me understand your point, I don't see it as helpful because I don't use ANY of Google's or Facebook's "services" due to my browsing habits, which then makes it harder for them to fingerprint me. Granted, even on a site like this where there's links to various social media platforms, they can still fingerprint me, but the amount of info about me isn't enough to make me lose sleep over it. The reason I trust LibreWolf with everything I do is because A) I've researched info about it, and B) The developers put a lot of effort to adding in privacy features by default. If I really wanted to, I could go a step further and use the terminal to access the web.
I don't use browser isolation myself. I harden my system and browser. And take care of my online privacy in various ways as I've mentioned in other threads.
If I use a VPN I am still tracked through my browser, and the list of infringements goes on and on. They lull you with convenience and the trade off is your privacy. I am just trying to move away and understand what will hinder my efforts.

Thanks for any clarity!
It depends on who you are trying to hide from. If you want to hide from Google and Facebook, ditch Android, Whatsapp, Facebook, Chrome, and Chromebook first and then use a Linux PC. Rather than asking everyone here, this guide should help you get started:
Tor and a VPN are good but if the Chromebook supports Linux. TAILS OS is would remove trackers and can run with a virus on the computer with no major problems. And if it dose not support Linux you could use a VM.