Question about latest profile posts


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Dec 11, 2019
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I find most of those profile status updates people post pointless and some of them even annoying. Instead of having to blocking every single person that posts a pointless profile status update is it possible to to configure a setting for my user to not have the "Latest profile posts" show up?

I use the "New Posts" link, instead of "What's new".

It only shows new posts, which is just how I like it.
I use that too but I also browse the forum index alot and it does show up there, haven't been able to find a way to not make it show up. I could probably use an alternative method, find some browser add-on to block that specific element on the page from loading but it would be nice if there is a way to block it through the forum settings.
It'd be nice to be able to block whole sub-forums as well. For example, I have no desire to see the Kali section of the site. I've pretty much given up hope for that section. I'm okay with missing out on any potentially good topics in that subsection.

I've gone through my profile quite a bit and I don't think it's possible. The site's forum software isn't opensource so we can't really buckle down and change it either. I'm pretty familiar with SMF and a little familiar with phpBB, but not even a little familiar with XenForo.
It'd be nice to be able to block whole sub-forums as well. For example, I have no desire to see the Kali section of the site. I've pretty much given up hope for that section. I'm okay with missing out on any potentially good topics in that subsection.
I second that!
I have found a way to block the forum profile posts using Ublock Origin, going to see if I can block only specific parts of the website or just the profile messages which I find pointless.
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If you are using ublock Origin, add this to "My Filters".
Code: > [href^="/whats-new/profile-posts/"] > .bbWrapper > .contentRow > .contentRow-main--close.contentRow-main > .contentRow-minor > .contentRow > .contentRow-main--close.contentRow-main > .contentRow
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That blocks profile posts?

(I never see those due to how I use the site. As in #2.)

Though I may add that, 'cause I don't really care to see them at all.
I attached two screenshots so you can see the difference.


  • forum_index_default.jpg
    215.1 KB · Views: 405
  • forum_index_without_profile_posts.jpg
    204.9 KB · Views: 359
David G. - @f33dm3bits is using the Forums page, are you using that or the entry-level page?

On the main page the profile posts never loads even without those uBlock Origin settings.

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