problems with Puppy


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Apr 3, 2023
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Walsh 030523 problems with Puppy

Dear Mike Walsh,
Mike, the version of Puppy I downloaded (and created a bootable USB) is fdrv_upupjj+d_22.04.sfs. It was my first try at using Puppy. The problems were: 1. The quirky word processor system, and 2. Did not have 'QUICKPET' so I could install Libre Office.

I think I should move to another Puppy version you are familiar with, and I should try the new 'version B' and exchange feedback on that with you. OK?

I have been using Puppy. I tried to edit a document created in Open Office, using Puppy, and I had to store my changes several times, and Puppy created 3 documents where there was one. Very quirky. I am kind of turned off about Puppy's word processor system. I am wondering whether I should move on to another Linux version. What do you think? JC

You can try pinging him to ensure he sees this.


Randomly pinging people for support would be kinda rude but he puts himself out there as (and truly is) our resident Puppy guru. So, he'll probably understand.
Walsh 030523 problems with Puppy

Dear Mike Walsh,
Mike, the version of Puppy I downloaded (and created a bootable USB) is fdrv_upupjj+d_22.04.sfs. It was my first try at using Puppy. The problems were: 1. The quirky word processor system, and 2. Did not have 'QUICKPET' so I could install Libre Office.

I think I should move to another Puppy version you are familiar with, and I should try the new 'version B' and exchange feedback on that with you. OK?

I have been using Puppy. I tried to edit a document created in Open Office, using Puppy, and I had to store my changes several times, and Puppy created 3 documents where there was one. Very quirky. I am kind of turned off about Puppy's word processor system. I am wondering whether I should move on to another Linux version. What do you think? JC

Go to this link.

Go to the 7th post and look for this link.
LibreOffice-7.5.2_64_en-US_xz.sfs (233M)

Download the SFS file.

Go to your Downloads file and you should see the SFS file and click to install and do what it says.
Dear Duck, sorry, I am new to Linux. I don't understand your post. Is this another version of Linux Puppy, or a way to solve my problem with installing Libre? I am not interested in fixing the Puppy version I have, and the present Libre problem. I want to move on to another version of Linux Puppy to try it out. JC
@coppens1 :-

Um. Well, for a start that doesn't look right. According to your post, you've simply installed the 'firmware' SFS module from Upup Jammy? Actually, that looks like one of peebee's Puppies....which I know very little about, since I don't use them.

Peter concentrates mostly on either 32-bit Puppies OR Slackware-based stuff.....both of which I have very little to do with. I don't LIKE Slackware.....and 32-bit stuff, for me, is rather old-hat.

I'm not really the person to make recommendations. Folks have this strange idea that I'm some kind of Puppy "expert". The only expertise I really have lies in having used Puppy exclusively for around a decade, and managed to keep it going....

....which does NOT mean that I actually know what I'm doing with it! I'm a tinkerer; a "bumbler'. I stumble along, frequently surprising myself that I ever manage to make anything work at all!


However; I WILL say this. Puppy is steadily moving away from its traditional roots, is rapidly becoming as large as many other distros, and is starting to embrace the same, standard technologies that have been employed by most of the mainstream distros for many years. This is almost exclusively due to our sole remaining Woof-CE developer (dimkr).....who appears to be of the opinion that mainstream distros are superior to Puppy anyway.

In a couple of years time, "official' Puppies will be unrecognisable.

And you won't find "Quickpet" any longer. This was exclusively used by Phil Broughton - 666philb - in his builds.....and he's been MIA for nearly 2 years now.

This might be of some interest to you:-

.....and "showcases" the direction in which Puppy is now heading. Personally, I don't like it, because it embraces & embodies all the very things I came to Puppy to get away from. Like Synaptic.....and PulseAudio.....and ONLY being able to get stuff like GPU drivers from "officially-maintained" sources. Jeezus.

There's no denying that a lot of current Puppians are now using it, and dimkr is bending over backwards to help everybody get used to the "new" ways of doing things. And I think this is now happening because we've had a ton of new members since the new Forum began who are all vociferously complaining, and asking "Why doesn't Puppy do things in exactly the same way as everybody else..?"

What price individuality, huh? And where IS the point in having 500+ different distros that ALL do everything exactly the same? You might just as well bow to the inevitable, follow the suggestion that's been mooted a LOT in recent years.....and force everybody to amalgamate into a single, common, RedHat-controlled distro simply called "LINUX".

Noobs - AND critics - would certainly be happier.

For me, well; I'm sorry, but I don't WANT to be identical to every other member of the faceless masses..! Puppy is - or used to be! - "quirky".....and so am I.

Rant over! :p


Mike. ;)
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At the OP I just posted where I downloaded Libreoffice in my Upup Jammy64.
The file manager you are supposed to be able to download and install from doesn't work sometimes from my experience.
That's all I know and you wanted Libreoffice and the link I posted is what I used and I know it works.
I apologize if my links were not helpful.
I'm still learning about Puppy Linux myself .
I just posted a working Link that I thought might be of help.
@ coppens1
Puppy has always been quirky, one of its traits, but if it doesn't suit you, yes, I would suggest you try a different distro, there are many lightweight versions out there, look for ones that just use a Window Manager, rather than a Desktop Environment.

(Tiny Core Linux / SliTaz Linux / Fatdog64 - just a few you might like to take a look at.)
To the OP: if you have a 16GB USB disk that you could spare and you don't mind it plugged in like a copy-protection dongle, then you could try EasyOS. It is enough like Puppy Linux although some concepts are different.

You completely format away the USB disk then you use an image-creation software to copy the IMG file directly onto the disk. Then you could boot straight into it, but it depends on how your computer is set up with what order of disks, to boot with UEFI or with BIOS, secure boot enabled etc. You have to be able to boot into the pluggable disk in this case but you have probably achieved this with Puppy Linux, but saying this in case you weren't aware of it. When EasyOS starts it automatically formats the whole disk for you, asks you for your preferred language and keyboard to use, and then asks you for a password to protect your account and to encrypt the data stored on the partition.

EasyOS has a desktop that might need some time to get used to it.

If you do not have a disk available, do not try what I just said. EasyOS could be installed to an internal disk but it's not recommended.

The last time I checked out Fatdog64 last year, they were still working on making it bootable via UEFI. Therefore on some of the computers being sold in 2020 and later, without "legacy BIOS" whoever tries to go with that one might be out of luck.

@camtaf Tiny Core might be too strong for the OP. Telling by somebody else's struggles installing it. :)

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