New To Linux


May 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hello all,

I have been contemplating installing Linux for years but now with what we seeing in Windows it was time to jump in and just do it. I have my laptop and gaming desktop so I started first on my laptop as I need to know just how well games can run on Linux but that is for another thread.

So after looking around at the different versions of Linux and doing some serious reading I went with MInt.

So as a newbie to Linux I am sure I will be asking questions as I learn how it all works.

Welcome to the forums
Mint is a good starting point for anyone moving from Microsoft, and wanting a point and click OS. we have a linux gaming section and many members w.ho can advise you on using Linux for gaming
Hello @DavePM,
Welcome to the forum, enjoy the journey! :)
Mint is a good place to start. Lots of packages and good support.
Welcome to the community!
Thank you everyone for the welcome
Hello all,

I have been contemplating installing Linux for years but now with what we seeing in Windows it was time to jump in and just do it. I have my laptop and gaming desktop so I started first on my laptop as I need to know just how well games can run on Linux but that is for another thread.

So after looking around at the different versions of Linux and doing some serious reading I went with MInt.

So as a newbie to Linux I am sure I will be asking questions as I learn how it all works.
Welcome to the forum! And Mint is a great choice.
Hello all,

I have been contemplating installing Linux for years but now with what we seeing in Windows it was time to jump in and just do it. I have my laptop and gaming desktop so I started first on my laptop as I need to know just how well games can run on Linux but that is for another thread.

So after looking around at the different versions of Linux and doing some serious reading I went with MInt.

So as a newbie to Linux I am sure I will be asking questions as I learn how it all works.
Here we are to!
Glad to meet you!

@Develorian You should probably put those links in your signature instead of typing them out each time, which seems a bit spammy and also gets your first posts caught in the queue.
Welcome, Mint is a good choice.
Welcome to the Forum.