Mysha's Introduction


New Member
Aug 1, 2023
Reaction score
I am not very fond of introductions. so I will be keeping this one short.

My name is Mykola, but I go by Mysha on the web and among friends, I am 21 years old, and I am an art student (Krita is my program of choice, I favor FOSS over proprietary solutions), it is a pleasure to make your acquaitance.

I use Fedora Silverblue (version 38 as of writing this post) on my laptop, and it is the platform I employ for all of my personal computing needs.

Welcome to the forums, Mysha
I notice you describe yourself as ex-pat, which part of the world are you in?, we do have a member in the firing line so to speak who pops up occasionally.
Welcome about the HMAS Linux.
Hello @Mysha,
Welcome to the forums, enjoy the journey! :)
We have a few ops here who also use Fedora.

I am not very fond of introductions. so I will be keeping this one short.

My name is Mykola, but I go by Mysha on the web and among friends, I am 21 years old, and I am an art student (Krita is my program of choice, I favor FOSS over proprietary solutions), it is a pleasure to make your acquaitance.

I use Fedora Silverblue (version 38 as of writing this post) on my laptop, and it is the platform I employ for all of my personal computing needs.
Welcome to the forum Mysha
Welcome aboard. :)
Welcome to the forums, Mysha
I notice you describe yourself as ex-pat, which part of the world are you in?, we do have a member in the firing line so to speak who pops up occasionally.

Thank you.

My parents and I reside in Mexico, we moved here when I was 2 years old.
Welcome! :)
G'day @Mysha and welcome to

Chris Turner