Looking for advice on server set up with video streaming


New Member
May 10, 2021
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Ok instead of trying to read a million articles online and get a jist of whats best to do I thought I would post my question here and hope somebody with knowledge can point me in the right direction.

Here is what I am trying to do. First here are my server specs: https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/ax161
This is my server and only I have access to it.

I tried several servers with serveral configs both linux and windows trying out different solutions. I used Plesk on Linux and on Windows trying different ideas from VM's to dockers etc. Plesk takes over your entire server and makes many conflicts trying to do anything else. I only use wordpress for CMS but my main goal is I want to host my own websites , I don't need a reseller panel or anything . Just a personal hosting solution with web admin pane. I am a novice when it comes to glaring at lines of code so a web portal control panel is necessary with visual controls , much like Plesk however I don't want to use Plesk.

What I want is to host about a dozen private Wordpress websites and I also want to be able to stream to youtube on several instance / stream to maybe 3 or 4 Youtube channels at the same time different programs. I am trying to create one of those Youtube channels that stream 24/7 , maybe a few of them.

As you can see my server is an AMD so it doesn't have a Graphics Processor however I have read it can be done using nginix ,rtmp among other solutions like ffmpeg etc.

Again keep in mind I need a visual panel . I cant do all this command line stuff ,My mind just doesnt work that way. I really liked using RDP with windows and tried to get RDP and VNC working on my server with various linux installs but I can never figure it out . It just doesn't work . I need to get in there using the GUI .

So Is there a solution anyone has for installing a web admin panel that I can control all the set up functions for wordpress websites easily without too much fluff , and also a web admin panel that I can use to control the streaming functions with playlist , scheduler etc. ?

I am looking at these but I have Centos 8 installed and the streaming vdo panel requires Centos however the wordpress control panels require Ubuntu. Anyone have a solution that is easy to manage? Think Plesk easy or easier.

These are the incompatible solutions I have found
for wordpress: https://spinupwp.com
And : https://runcloud.io/

Here is the media streaming solution not compatible with the above because of the OS : https://vdopanel.com/

any advice or general contributions to this discussion are greatly appreciated.

Have you looked at Virtualmin with Webmin and using WPMU for your WP needs?

(The streaming video I have no idea about.)
Have you looked at Virtualmin with Webmin and using WPMU for your WP needs?

(The streaming video I have no idea about.)
I've read about Virtualmin and tried Webmin a few months ago but was not pleased . I will read more on the Virtualmin . Thanks for your comment
I suspect WPMU (WordPress Multi-User) will solve some of your issues. But, it's been deprecated by that name. I hadn't played with it for like a decade, so this is new to me.

You no longer need a fancy plugin. You can configure it during the WP installation.

The good news is that this researching isn't wasting my time. I've actually been thinking about setting up hosting so that people could have free/low-cost blogs.