I'm shopping and am looking for resources


Active Member
Jul 31, 2021
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I hope this isn't to vague of a question. I am looking to build a new system and am finding very little information on compatibility. I am thinking of an AMD cpu and an ASUS motherboard. I would prefer using Alma as an OS. I have found I can get more bang for my buck with AMD and the ASUS motherboards I have used in the past have been quite stable. As for Alma I would consider other OS but am comfortable with it. What I am looking for is resources that might help me determine comparability before purchasing. I do not want to buy things with known compatibility issues with Linux. Don't mind doing working through some bugs but would like to avoid as many problems as possible up front. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Hi & Welcome!

Nvidia GPU's do not always work well with Linux so keep that it mind.
There are drivers for Linux but they can be interesting to get installed if you are new to Linux.

In the many years I've been running Linux I have had complete success with AMD and Intel CPU's and also with AMD's Radeon GPU's. MSI mobo's have worked well for me too.

There has been a issue with Asus motherboards so you may want to watch this video first before choosing an Asus mobo.

These links look like a place to start for hardware compatibility and comparibility--

CPU's for Linux

GPU's for Linux

Will you be building this desktop for home use or for the workplace?
Is there a budget you have in mind?
Always plenty of reading available with Linux, JP. It's what keeps us Senior Citizens young ;)

Good luck with the mission and let us know how you go.

From my experiences trying to purchase hardware compatible with Linux it's a never ending struggle.

Yeah you have your various websites out there claiming Linux compatibility. They have a laughable amount of hardware on there.

Finding any actual information often comes down to searching for "product name linux drivers" and hope for the best. Finding hardware to buy as a Linux user with money to spend is such a ridiculous endeavor you can only do it out of love.
I have slowed down on putting together a new system. I had a disk failure and decided to just rebuild what I had with a spare drive I had. Long story short. I was reminded of what I already knew. If you don't test restoring from your backup you should assume it will fail. Well it did. I had solid backup of data but all the VM's I had set up for various tasks except for my mail server would not restore. I was able to get my mail server to rebuild that was running on Ubuntu to restore. All of the VM's I had running on Alma linux would not restore. Although I could not completely figure out why it seemed to be something going on with vmware. I did manage to import my Unbuntu into Virtual box and decided to rebuild the rest that way. I also took the first vm I rebuilt (running docker so majority of apps I needed to restore) and did an export and restore to make sure that would work. Long story short what I expected to resolve in 24 hours took more than a week. Seems like a bunch of drama but my next hardware will have to support a significant amount of virtualization. To make that work will cost an above amount for a home system. That is why I wanted to do the research. My hope is to settle on something soon and slowly port things over from the old system. I am thinking I may need to invest in a NAS as well. Considered purchasing cloud storage but am afraid of becoming dependent on it.
If you don't test restoring from your backup you should assume it will fail.

Lessons were learned and that's a good one to learn.

I'm sure I didn't say it first, but I do like saying, "An untested backup is not a backup at all."

There's also this:

