Hello Community


Active Member
Apr 23, 2023
Reaction score
Thought I'd introduce myself for a bit :)

I've been using Linux/Ubuntu off and on from 2008(ish). Ditched Windooz since 2014 and started using GNU/Linux as my daily OS. First Ubuntu and later on Linux Mint.
Over time I started using the more minimalist, light-weight distros. I always felt they were more responsive and my hardware specs weren't always top notch. I still don't use state of the art hardware but that is by choice. I learnt to get the best performance out of a 'minimum' of hardware and that is both addictive AND satisfying.

I'm currently using Parrot Home OS on my main machine as I like the look and feel of it. It is configured to my needs and also as a save host for virtual machines for trying out other distros. (QEMU rocks!)

But I am also slowly but surely moving away from that as well as I learn more and more about Puppy and derivatives and currently using Fossapup64 as my daily OS.
There was a learning curve (again lol) like properly installing, UNlearning some old habits (AGAIN) but it's worth it!

That's it in a nutshell. Oh by the way: Containment is King!

Welcome aboard. :)

(I'm another who likes to use old computers..... ;) )
LOL I'd say welcome, but you've been here for a while already! So, I'll say 'carry on!'

I can relate, however. I never bothered writing an intro until I was a mod. I made my intro into an announcement and an intro. It took a while. I didn't accept the mod invite immediately. I wanted to think about it.
LOL I'd say welcome, but you've been here for a while already! So, I'll say 'carry on!'

I can relate, however. I never bothered writing an intro until I was a mod. I made my intro into an announcement and an intro. It took a while. I didn't accept the mod invite immediately. I wanted to think about it.
I know right? But on the other hand I will stick around here (too much to learn and this community is very hospitable) so a little bit of background somehow seemed appropriate.
I know right? But on the other hand I will stick around here (too much to learn and this community is very hospitable) so a little bit of background somehow seemed appropriate.

LOL Once again, that's about what I'd concluded when I did my intro.

I did have to mull over the mod bit and I did ask a few questions beforehand.

But, at the time, I was pretty sure I was going to stick around for a while. For the most part, we're a pretty agreeable website.

Off-topic: I just watched the Le Mans leader whiff it, miss the chicane, and slam into the barrier.

It was awesome. There are no BMWs in the race, so I don't have much invested. I kinda want the Iron Dames to win their class. I'm not too concerned with the prototype classes, but Toyota has a way of winning this sort of thing - but Ferrari is on quite a roll.

Now back to your regularly scheduled introduction thread...

I think some folks have never bothered with an intro. Maybe they just don't feel like it?
I think some folks have never bothered with an intro. Maybe they just don't feel like
Could very well be so. From my experience with forums though there are also many many subscribers ho would just ask a question about this one problem only that they are having and leaving right after they received help or a fix and will never been seen again.

It's been quite a while since I did an introduction on any forum as I only do that if I feel "at home" if that makes sense.
Maybe one day I could give someone some advice that would really help them out of a tight spot. But most of the issues folks are having are way beyond the scope of how I use any OS which is not 'advanced' or something; don't run servers, not a developer just a daily user who values security, privacy.
I know how to set up a rather hardened and containerized/sandboxed OS and applications and use of common sense when it comes to every day use. And that's basically it.
Welcome @ParrotHome! What's "Containment" or "Containment" of what?
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I know how to set up a rather hardened and containerized/sandboxed OS and applications and use of common sense when it comes to every day use. And that's basically it.

If you're unfamiliar and looking to learn something, look into 'firejail', which is basically BSD jails brought to Linux.
If you're unfamiliar and looking to learn something, look into 'firejail', which is basically BSD jails brought to Linux.
Oh, I am an avid user of firejail :) I love it. Gotten quite familiar with it and use it on my Parrot machine. With custom profiles in
and everything.

Also love the containers in EasyOS but that distro is unusable for me as it has major sound issues on my machine which apparently is so exotic that no one can fix it. Easy containers for other Puppies? (anyone?)
And the whole "containment" thing is why Puppy appeals to me because you can load an entire (personally configured) OS in RAM and run it from there. Containment....
Hello @ParrotHome,
Welcome to the Linux.org forum, enjoy! :)
With custom profiles in

I'm lazy and don't bother, but I did use firejail extensively for a while. I was pretty diligent at maintaining my own sort of hardened distro. Basically, I'd just stack up stuff on a real distro and then clone the drive and use that clone elsewhere. Linux is awesome at that, in my experience. It's one of those things (drivers, after all) that wasn't easily done with Windows.
Welcome to the Forum.
@ParrotHome your English is excellent, but then so is that of our friend Maarten @f33dm3bits .

Not so my Dutch. I had an aged friend over 20 years ago who used to say

"Dit leven is als een klokkenspel"

and that's about it, lol.

Enjoy your Linux and thanks for sharing.
