HDD How hot is to hot?

Hillbilly H

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Reaction score
i know this has been debated for years. But how hot is to hot for a HDD What do yall think?
My drives are running at 1=(51°C/124°F) 2=(56°C/133°F) 3=(56°C/133°F)

It all depends on make and age of the HDD, max working temps usually range from around 120F to135F, constantly running at the max temp can reduce lifespan, as a personal choice I like to keep mine at an average of 100F, so upgraded case cooling for me is a must.
My old mechanical hard drive runs around 34C as shown in the screenshot.

If using a SSD than I'd suggest buying a drive bay which you can attach a fan to and will keep the drive running cool.

SSDs run hot based on my experience.
LOL looks like i need another fan... :rolleyes:
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Mine is running about 38C/100.4 Using Kubuntu at the moment. It never go up much beyond 45C/113F.
So Think you would do well with more airflow :)
Hmmm...for some reason my "disks" program doesn't tell me this information, maybe because it is a M.2. My processor and mobo runs at about 38C to 53C. That tends to be a great deal better than a laptop. If your HDD is in a laptop and you're getting those temps, then i'd say it's normal and you should just back up your data every now and then. Here is my output from the "sensors" command, my BIOS generally reports my CPU temp at around 50C:

Adapter: PCI adapter
vddgfx:      868.00 mV
vddnb:       899.00 mV
edge:         +27.0°C 
slowPPT:       0.00 W 

Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +39.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +84.8°C)
                       (crit = +84.8°C)
Sensor 1:     +39.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Sensor 2:     +39.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +53.0°C 

Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl:         +31.2°C

Computer parts these days are usually build to withstand 53C on occasion...based on my output on here, the program is saying that the hottest part of my entire motherboard is 53C. Does anyone here know what that means if my wifi bus is 53C yet my "composite" (i take to mean mobo average) is 39?

But if you do care and you have a PC, I'd say those temperatures are definitely a cause for concern. There are several ways to address that:

-you can remove one side of the case :) but that's not really recommended because then you've given dust particles free reign. I think it works though if you're willing to take a risk.

-a case with more fans, like you implied, or just replace the CPU fan, put in a cooler place where you live,

-a better ventilated case.

Having a very hot hard drive probably has the most negative implications for either your build itself or just your processor, because the processor takes on the most intense heating burdens when you are really putting heavy loads on your system.
Also, in American numbers:

Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +69.5°F  (low  =  -4.3°F, high = +184.7°F)
                       (crit = +193.7°F)

That's from a mostly-idle laptop - but that laptop never, ever gets hot. It barely even gets warm. I dunno how MSI did it, but I will definitely consider their hardware in the future.
you can remove one side of the case :) but that's not really recommended because then you've given dust particles free reign.
LOL All "my" PCs run open that way i can dust easily..."i use dry air not a can" ;) P.S. No need to talk about the wires.
LOL All "my" PCs run open that way i can dust easily..."i use dry air not a can" ;) P.S. No need to talk about the wires. View attachment 14099
Thanks for that, yeah that's a very VERY badly ventilated case. Do you really need all those hard drives?? Stupid question, i know, but now it's obvious why they are running that hot, and given that they are HDDs that's not good because they are a worse technology than SDD.

I'm busy enough today that i don't feel like taking a picture of my computer, but it's hot because i have an AMD processor, and it's one of the smallest cases available for desktops:

it doesn't really matter though because:

-i don't run windows, windows tends to get slow and choppy if you leave your system on for long periods of time

-i'm a gamer but all the games i play are low performance

My further advice is use less wires or get a larger case! If you are willing to spend the dough then update to SSD because they are just better all around...but given that your name is "HIllbilly" and you seem to be doing just fine i'd recommend just upgrading the case.

Gonna shoot your computer if it messes up? Also, the proportions look like 10 mm, but I definitely can't see enough of the casing to be sure. It kinda depends on how close to the computer they are, so I can't tell what the actual size is.
Leaving the case and expansion points open reduces the effect of the ventilation extraction fan, as it will be drawing external air direct and not pulling it through the box
in my last box [god rest its sole] I had 4x SATA and 2xATA disc spinners

Gonna shoot your computer if it messes up? Also, the proportions look like 10 mm, but I definitely can't see enough of the casing to be sure. It kinda depends on how close to the computer they are, so I can't tell what the actual size is.
I guess if our friend puts them next to the hard drive, then there'll be holes in the cieling!
This is my desktop.
Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +45.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +84.8°C)
                       (crit = +84.8°C)
Sensor 1:     +45.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Sensor 2:     +46.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Gonna shoot your computer if it messes up? Also, the proportions look like 10 mm
LOL i dont shoot computers but i do have a small range next to the house.
I guess if our friend puts them next to the hard drive, then there'll be holes in the cieling!
LOL if they get that hot ill have bigger problems then holes in the ceiling.
I guess if our friend puts them next to the hard drive, then there'll be holes in the cieling!

LOL They're not that sensitive. They also don't have much gumption without the gas build up in a confined space (the barrel).

LOL i dont shoot computers but i do have a small range next to the house.

I have a big ol' sand pit on the property. So long as you police your brass, I don't mind if you use it - just clean up when you're done.

And that was actually my first guess but then got perplexed by the proportions and decided to go with the 10 mm. I won't derail the thread with firearm talk, but the .45 ACP is a great caliber, but man isn't it a slow moving round.
My SSD is 24C and sits in an SSD bracket as my drive bays are 3.5''. A few years back I added another 120CM fan to the top of the case so there's plenty of airflow and the computer sits on a table off the floor.

Running your computer "open" invites trouble...it allows heaps of Dust...Mice...Spiders...Cockroaches...Bugs and most of all very dangerous for Electric Shock for anyone who touches it.
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I once drunkenly promised to fix someone's computer for them the following day.

In my defense, I was drunk and she was cute. This was years ago and I was in Florida at the time, 'cause of business reasons.

Anyhow, I tend to do what I say I'm going to do and so I went to work on their computer the following day.

It was sticky from nicotine smoke and literally had several inches of cockroaches at the bottom. Then, it had more (mostly dead) cockroaches embedded all around the thing - like husks wedged in hard to reach areas.

Then, they had a bunch of dogs and cats. When sober, it was evident that cleaning wasn't a strong suit in that household.

The computer was disgusting. It had to have been five years old at the time and it had never been cleaned - not once.

I cleaned it. I removed tons of malware. I removed countless browser toolbars. I removed tons of useless software. I did make 'em go get me some rubber gloves before I went any further and I did the cleaning outside.

It was the most disgusting computer I've ever witnessed.
It was the most disgusting computer I've ever witnessed.

Been there, done that, crap job. Also said I would fix the keyboard for a relative, reason it didn't work... there must have been a full bottle of nail varnish under the keys
but the .45 ACP is a great caliber, but man isn't it a slow moving round.
Remember the big medicine ball in gym class was slow moving but knocked most on their A$$.

Don't underestimate the subsonic slow moving grand old cartridge. ;)

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