Firefox -- about:config -- security tweaks


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2022
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Over the years, firefox has been a favorite of this user. Until recently. FF has become cumbersome to add the security features wanted while retaining the performance desired.

Tweaking a windoze registry was not a problem for me when I was using the dominant OS at a GIS shop -- I had to in order to get the functionality needed. Neither is tweaking Firefox Configuration to achieve the modicum of security allowed by the software.

First, start Fiurefox offline and, in the address bar, type in
. Uncheck the box if desired so as not to be asked dumb questions, later (a la M$).

Attached are screenshots of the individual tweaks for FF security accumulated from different sources over the years -- I hope they may prove useful to at least one user viewing this thread.


  • ffsec_autofill-beacon-batt-formfill_1075x1362.png
    831.2 KB · Views: 286
  • ffsec_autofill-beacon-batt-formfill_1075x1362.png
    831.2 KB · Views: 256
  • ffsec_security-mos_1078x1425.png
    786.5 KB · Views: 232
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I'd be curious to know what your results are after setting these settings and doing a coveryourtracks scan?
Seems like Brave still has a better result because if your fingerprint is unique it's easier to track you.



As I have firefox since it was netscape navigator, it has a favorable place somewhere in my subconscious.

I go with brave now when possible -- it's quicker than tor.
Some of you may be interested in something I found quite a while ago, but don't actually use:

@KGIII -- a GUI! Makes things more handy, alright.
If it is able to anonymize FF fingerprint, right on! I looked into FF profiles when it was first offered but then forgot about the feature. It apparently has come quite a ways.
Will explore -- thanks, Mod!

I believe whatever method is used the bad guys are going to find someway to get what they want.

I tried what is known as first line defense in Firefox and it worked so well that I was unable to use any account after logging in.

I'll just keep the faith that the Linux developers will keep us Linux users secured and patched as these vulnerabilities and exploits come about.
Tor browser
Keep in mind that every about:config change and every add-on increases your chance of fingerprinting.
There's always going to be security threats, exploits, vulnerabilities etc nothing is bulletproof.

It appears that Linux may be on its way to becoming as exploitable and vulnerable as other OSs.

OH well if it does it does.
There's always going to be security threats, exploits, vulnerabilities etc nothing is bulletproof.
Methods to identify you to track your browsing activity aren't equal to security threats, security exploits and vulnerabilities but they are privacy threats.
Methods to identify you to track your browsing activity aren't equal to security threats, security exploits and vulnerabilities but they are privacy threats.
I use "Privacy Badger" although bout to the don't care point about all of this browser looking up my behind seems no matter what ya do someone will create a way around it.
Check this one out, too:
@KGIII -- a GUI! Makes things more handy, alright.
If it is able to anonymize FF fingerprint, right on! I looked into FF profiles when it was first offered but then forgot about the feature. It apparently has come quite a ways.
Will explore -- thanks, Mod!

I'm not much of a Firefox user these days, but it has a bunch of privacy, tracking, and security options - among which I noticed the ability to enable 'resist fingerprinting'. So, it seems helpful. It also looks like it'd be faster than going through all the settings/about:config on your own.
Interestingly, I ran Cover Your Tracks on FF105.0.1 with the Add-Ons Noscript, CAD, PrivacyBadger and the Surfshark VPN Extension twice -- with VPN and without VPN, all other extensions enabled. The results were surprising -- less tracking WITHOUT VPN than when Surfshark was enabled:


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