Back on Kali. Not by choice... (Resolved)

Basically anything that's not in the Kali repository, the docs clearly state that Kali is built for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is Pentesting, we have had quite a few people who insisted they wanted Kali because they thought it was more secure. most gave up when it kept crashing.

Basically anything that's not in the Kali repository, the docs clearly state that Kali is built for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is Pentesting, we have had quite a few people who insisted they wanted Kali because they thought it was more secure. most gave up when it kept crashing.
Understood. I'll keep trying to find a way to get into my bios.. but at the moment Kali is the only OS that has a working version of python on my computer so I don't have the luxury of choosing. I will take this warning seriously and make sure to have everything backed up... Luckily I'm running it in a virtual environment so my hardware should be safe.
Can I ask you a question Wizard? Do you dislike Kali or just the misuse of it? I'm curious because I'm finding more and more reasons to dislike it in general, including phishing alerts on the download mirrors when running

sudo apt upgrade -y
Can I ask you a question Wizard? Do you dislike Kali or just the misuse of it? I'm curious because I'm finding more and more reasons to dislike it in general, including phishing alerts on the download mirrors when running

sudo apt upgrade -y
I know I should have updated etc/apt/sources.list but that is my point. Everything on kali is overcomplicated
an I ask you a question Wizard? Do you dislike Kali or just the misuse of it?
Basically what gets my goat, is people will not read or understand the documents and release notes that are available on most distribution download sites, because of the way Kali is structured they state you need to be Linux experienced and terminal competent. Then moan that they can't get this, that or the other to work.

I don't use Kali myself, [ I prefer Parrot] ⁣ but used for the job it is designed for by suitably experienced users, it is a good distribution.
I just saw that Parrotsec also has a .vbox file for download instead of ISO. I will download it right now and see if that works.. Will I be able to give it a more general Linux treatment or is it similar to kali in that it requires a lot of special treatment?
Understood. I'll keep trying to find a way to get into my bios.
Remind me, what is the make and full model number [on the manufacturer's plate] and i will have a look, [but it won't be till tomorrow evening uk time]
I just saw that Parrotsec also has a .vbox file for download instead of ISO.
To be honest, if you're not full-time pen-testing I would recommend the home edition, I found parrot sec a little, shall we say... more flexible than Kali
To be honest, if you're not full-time pen-testing I would recommend the home edition, I found parrot sec a little, shall we say... more flexible than Kali
Awesome! I found the .vbox file for home edition too. I'll get both while I'm using hotel wifi. Thank you Wizard! Don't even bother with my bios, I'm reading on home edition now it's meant as an every day operating system and software develepment. I think all my problems are solved!
Awesome! I found the .vbox file for home edition too. I'll get both while I'm using hotel wifi. Thank you Wizard! Don't even bother with my bios, I'm reading on home edition now it's meant as an every day operating system and software develepment. I think all my problems are solved!
.ova file... I don't know how I got to thinking the extention was vbox lol
As I recall, .ova is VMWare. There's a free application for Linux that will let you use that file.
VirtualBox has the option to import .ova and .ovf files under files>import appliance (or Ctrl+I). The copy of Kali I'm using is also a .ovf file, it was the recommended image for virtual machines
VirtualBox has the option to import .ova and .ovf files under files>import appliance (or Ctrl+I). The copy of Kali I'm using is also a .ovf file, it was the recommended image for virtual machines
Copy of kali is .ova file, sorry