The FACTS about GNOME’s plans for THEMES


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2019
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Developers from RH and Elementary OS share important information in this video.


I am reminded of something someone once said to me. They said, "You use GNOME if you like GNOME."

The gist of the conversation was that GNOME does things their way and only their way. If you look at it that way, the things they do make sense.

I do not like GNOME. I don't use GNOME unless I have to, or if it's not important enough to change the DE.
I happen to like the Gnome DE.

My latest fresh installation of Debian 12 was Gnome.
However, my app's wouldn't launch and I had to install the Cinnamon DE in order for my app's to launch.
I happen to like the Gnome DE.

Which is perfectly okay. Cinnamon, which I do like, is actually based on GNOME 3.

The great thing is that we use Linux. We're not stuck with one DE. We can pick and choose and there are many, many choices. You don't even need a DE to use Linux.

In theory, you could use a different shell (DE) for Windows - back in the day. You'd load a different shell, other than the explorer.exe shell and effectively have a different DE. That was possible back in the XP days and I think you could still do it in Vista. I have no idea if that's an option today.

Ah, you still can...

GNOME is supposed to stand for elegance, that's all. This is reflected with Budgie and sometimes with Cinnamon, which were derrived from GNOME. I found Pantheon somewhat less impressive, with orange highlighting all over the place in elementary OS. :/

I'm not comfortable with Spiral Linux Budgie but it sure looks great rendering "Liberation Mono" or its mutation "Cousine" Nerd font, with 12 points because I want to get a full flag base for the lowercase "L" -- the former can't give it to me in some distros, while the latter always could. The font rendering is awesome, but I cannot say the same thing about KDE no matter what adjustments about fonts is made. This is with uppercase "I" and "L" and with apostrophe (single-quotation mark), which look fuzzy on KDE but sharp on Spiral Linux Budgie. <3

I say one more time, if it weren't for Spiral Linux I wouldn't have tolerated three of the desktops. ;)
Is there a way KGIII to control the API of applications under Gnome through tweaking either GTK or libadwaita?
Tweak the config file perhaps?

Synaptic blinds me when I open it.

GNOME Shell 45 includes technical changes which are incompatible with all existing GNOME shell extensions. All shell extensions therefore need to be updated to work with GNOME 45.

Is there a way KGIII to control the API of applications under Gnome through tweaking either GTK or libadwaita?
Tweak the config file perhaps?

Synaptic blinds me when I open it.

I have no idea.
Have heard GNOME tend to take their own path so its their way or bust? I only tried it once and hated it but then I do come from the world of Microsoft both privately and from a work perspective.

I think personally Cinnamon, which I believe was borne from GNOME (??) is a decent compromise.
That was a good link dos2unix, thanks.
That link lead me to a page that shows how to update and upload different versions of Gnome extensions to
versions to for pre- and post-45 support.

Modules are loaded different from scripts so I'm not sure where to import them from.
Got some learning to do. :)

Might have to join Matrix and Discourse to learn.
Have heard GNOME tend to take their own path so its their way or bust? I only tried it once and hated it but then I do come from the world of Microsoft both privately and from a work perspective.

I think personally Cinnamon, which I believe was borne from GNOME (??) is a decent compromise.
Yup, Cinnamon comes from Gnome:-

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