Why Do I Bother


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2020
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I spend much time researching the Tutorials I create and post on this Forum that are easy to understand...use and work...many hours on websites and watching videos.

Linux is a community where we help each other...some people forget this. I could keep this information to myself but won't because that’s not me and not right especially when a new member asks for help...isn't this what we're supposed to do.

I don’t post these Tutorials to big note myself or pretend to be an expert which I’m not... it’s most unfortunate that the people who complain be it a few don’t post their own Tutorials on the same subject...I doubt that’s going to happen.

I suppose there will always be those who rubbish other people’s efforts of cause not every one is like this...that’s life...end of rant.

Good rant there,Bob
^^^^^^^ - what he said.

Why Do I Bother​

Because you are a good bloke, and good blokes give.

You keep pumping 'em out, and Brian @Condobloke and I, and others will keep on putting Likes, Beers, even the occasional Love, on 'em.


Chris Turner
I learned mainly from books, the internet was a late comer to my house. ;)

I'm sure most newbies will read tutorials, but they are like book replacements, someone writes them, & others just read them. :)

Those that will, will help in their various ways, but there will always be those that just take...
I spend much time researching the Tutorials I create and post on this Forum that are easy to understand...use and work...many hours on websites and watching videos.

Linux is a community where we help each other...some people forget this. I could keep this information to myself but won't because that’s not me and not right especially when a new member asks for help...isn't this what we're supposed to do.

I don’t post these Tutorials to big note myself or pretend to be an expert which I’m not... it’s most unfortunate that the people who complain be it a few don’t post their own Tutorials on the same subject...I doubt that’s going to happen.

I suppose there will always be those who rubbish other people’s efforts of cause not every one is like this...that’s life...end of rant.
It's a general problem that people often complain about something but rarely get in touch once they've seen something good. This is unfortunately in the nature of humans. Don't be discouraged, I think it's good that there are people like you who make the effort to write tutorials. Therefore, a clear THANK YOU from me!
You're doing it all backwards IMO. After reading book/tutorial/guide after guide after guide with no intrinsic purpose, why not just go with "I need to do X in Linux", and look it up?

The internet is just full of "how to's" and instructions on how to perform specific tasks. Just learn by doing it!
I spend much time researching the Tutorials I create and post on this Forum that are easy to understand...use and work...many hours on websites and watching videos.

Linux is a community where we help each other...some people forget this. I could keep this information to myself but won't because that’s not me and not right especially when a new member asks for help...isn't this what we're supposed to do.

I don’t post these Tutorials to big note myself or pretend to be an expert which I’m not... it’s most unfortunate that the people who complain be it a few don’t post their own Tutorials on the same subject...I doubt that’s going to happen.

I suppose there will always be those who rubbish other people’s efforts of cause not every one is like this...that’s life...end of rant.
Ditto brother.

I appreciate what you do for our Linux Forum here at Linux.org and for our Linux Community. So don't think your efforts are all going to the /dev/null/ directory.

If you haven't been rewarded yet, I assure you that you will be.
Some things take time.

And another thing; if folks poo poo on your efforts it's not about you it's about them.

I've written a few articles and have a ton of notes for more. They're more focused on specific problems we run into in class at my university. I haven't published any yet, but I have a domain name and plan on publishing some soon.

When I ask myself why I want to do this, the main reason is that solving the problem, thinking through it well enough to explain it, and then writing about it helps me to understand it better.

If it helps other people, great! If not and other people don't like it, I don't care. It's not for them. It's for me.
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I suppose there will always be those who rubbish other people’s efforts of cause not every one is like this...

Some folks seem to think that if they bring you down it brings them up.

The more times you create something, the more chances are that you encounter those people.

I feel a bit sorry for them as their life must be pretty crappy, so I try to engage in a civil manner - when that's possible.
In this thread I learned about the ''good bloke'' thanks!. I'm making English subtitles for a 50s gangster movie in my native language and I really need that kind of terms. Hard to find such words in dictionaries, even the urban, if you don't already know them

I absolutely love Russell's works. Principia is worth reading even if you're not a mathematician - but understanding higher math will be required.

The dude spent like 172 pages trying to prove that 1 + 1 = 2. At the end of the day, it was decided that we all agree that it does because of logicism.
Thanks guys for the encouraging words...my Tutorials are directed at beginners because if I can help just one person make the transition to Linux easy...it's worth it.

Anyway I'm just giving back to the Linux community the help given to me in the past...we learn much on this Forum that's not in books...especially from KGIII.
especially from KGIII.

LOL I keep trying to turn my site into a book, but the software for doing so sucks. (I want to give it away to people who donate or just anyone who wants to download it.)

But, as soon as the software works with my site, there will be a book!
@bob466 :-

Always look on the bright side, buddy.

All my life, I've taken the view that if I can help someone with something, and it's within my power to do so, then I will.

During my first few years with Puppy, I wrote a ton of wee 'how-tos' and tutorials, in part because Puppy is just sufficiently different that the way you do stuff is not always immediately apparent.....and because I'm like that. That's just me; it's how I've always been.

I received so much help when I first started with Puppy that - to my way of thinking - it was only natural to want to reciprocate. I'm probably primarily a 'packager'; I've lost track of the number of different apps/pieces of software I've packaged up for Puppy over the years - more recently, I've begun building stuff from scratch as my knowledge/abilities have increased - but an indication of just how much there is can be obtained by perusing the links in my siggy.

(Currently, there's probably somewhere in the region of 30 GB-worth + of Puppy-specific stuff, spread across 3 different cloud a/cs..! In many cases, they've been joint efforts; other community members have chipped-in, with suggestions, snippets of code to help improve whatever I'm working on, etc.

And I always give credit where it's due, and acknowledge that assistance. I refuse to take credit for somebody else's contribution, because that's not right.)

People like me and thee ARE very much appreciated, mate.......even if the recipients of that knowledge don't always vocalize that appreciation. We luv ya!


As KGIII says above:-

Some folks seem to think that if they bring you down it brings them up.

The more times you create something, the more chances are that you encounter those people.

I feel a bit sorry for them as their life must be pretty crappy, so I try to engage in a civil manner - when that's possible.

So true, mate. SO true...... :rolleyes:


Mike. ;)
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I keep trying to turn my site into a book, but the software for doing so sucks.
What kind of software do you need to do make a book? A LaTeX editor? Or do they use something else?

Or do you mean software to scrape your site?
A few off topic posts, guys ;)
I would agree with the original post. as more people begin to resent microsoft and move to linux we get people with piss poor attitudes just like in real life. Keep doing what you do and ignore the morons just like in real life.
@MattWinter - don't be sad - just start a thread in eg General Linux Questions and ask about book writing software under Linux.



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