Scammers Sent Uber to Take Elderly Lady to the Bank


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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I've been doing a lot with PayPal lately and, for the first time ever, got a well-crafted text message saying that my PayPal activity was suspicious and they were freezing the account. I'd even recently switched PayPal to a new phone number. That new phone number. I'd also just made a large purchase from a company in China.

I might have kinda fallen for it had they at least pretended to include a URL that resembled PayPal. It was still enough for me to go online and login to my PayPal account to make sure things were fine. Obviously, I am not dumb enough to use their link and I make sure to type the address in myself. There's no way in hell that I'd use the URL they included in the text message, even if it was really from PayPal.

Still, the timing was impeccable.
it's so funny how before i clicked on this thread i wondered if i should because it might be a scamo_O
This doesn't surprise me at all...these lowlife scammers will try anything...I wish Nicole from the NBN would stop ringing me and saying my internet will be cut off.
This doesn't surprise me at all...these lowlife scammers will try anything...I wish Nicole from the NBN would stop ringing me and saying my internet will be cut off.
There was that southpark episode about televised scammers broadcasting "valuable jewelry" around the social security check date. I get all sorts of awkward text messages like "Hi", and it has to be a pretty even ratio of people misdialing some hot girl on facebook and scams...those car warranty robo-calls definitely are scams in my book...certainly more comical in a "The Office" sort of way than listed above but if i pick up the phone and it's a robot i'm either laughing or hanging up immediately.

The funniest scam i got that i almost fell for was when i was younger and looking for work on craigslist, they sent me an application and i filled it out, then their bot (well, idk, but seems like it) literally repeated the resume i gave them in terms of telling them about themselves, which totally sketched me out, but they said they were just going to give me a $2k plus check, so i called up my computer nerd friend from high school and was like "i just want to take this check and cash it", and he said "yeah i know the feeling, but you should probably report it to the FBI"...cuz this bot was telling me they were in spain and coming back...and that's what i put in my resume, is that volunteered in spain, so i was good citizen and listened to him (lmfao) and i went to the bank and i was like "can i cash this? i think this check is totally suspicious", then she said "let me check...yeah it's a fraudulent check [paraphrasing] they basically bone you pretty hard to transfer the money because you have to pay the fees", me: ok. That friend, despite his incredibly naive and time-wasting advice, was probably the reason i'm here today...he taught me all about viruses and formatting your windows operating system on a regular basis because with all that malware there's no hope that your cunning will prevent malware from getting least back then during the XP days. I honestly wouldn't know anything about computers without that guy, last i checked he's a software engineer.

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