While try to SFTP(mput *) , it get STALLED



We are facing an issue... when we try to SFTP(mput *) , it get STALLED. I have noticed that we are only facing this issue while MPUT command and only for ".XML" files, the average size of these xml files are between 2 to 20 KB. I am very confused. Please guide me how i can trouble shoot this problem.
We are able to MPUT much bigher files.
I have a folder where i have 9 XML files, 8 out of 10 times when i try to MPUT it, It get STALLED on random file. I can share my screen if some one want to see this.
Source machine = Linux
Destination machine = Windows server 2008 64 bit ( 32 GB RAM)
(freeSSHD is installed on Windows server)
SFTP Server = freeSSHD
There is no anti-virus installed on server.
We are in a live environment and due to this suffering a lot. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Are the servers on the same subnet? Typically a stall or cutoff like that is due to a firewall or route problem.

Are the servers dual homed?

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