Which high-level language should I choose for server-side systems programming?

Java easy to learn ? Java Server pages were ok and i even got into servlets, then java something faces came out. Documentation at the time wasn't geared with any empathy as far as I could see. You had to install Tomcat another learning curve; so it all seemed elitist to me with my limited brain capacity. php on the other hand you could play with from the go ; documentation was great and you could get replies. php seemed to take off java just seemed to remain for the elitist.

The problem is a common one, there is an assumption that those that compiled a kernel while still at school assume everything is obvious or we must have some cognitive issues.
You are mentioning very specific uses for Java, and talking about specific Java EE Specifications. Those are not part of the language.

The language is defined in the standard edition of Java, or Java SE. If you followed the Java Tutorial back then, which stopped being updated by Java 8, but it's still a good resource for the commonalities with that version., the core language is pretty simple. The way to model the objects and their relationships, inheritance, overload, etc., and the language's safeguards for the developers, the memory management, etc., are much, much more gentler than C++. I mention C++ because it is the language with which Java was compared back when it came out, late 1990s. And from Java 8, the concurrency support has been simplified so much that creating multithreaded processes is pretty harmless for the programmer.
Regarding this:
The problem is a common one, there is an assumption that those that compiled a kernel while still at school assume everything is obvious or we must have some cognitive issues.
my answer was for the OP, neither for you nor in an open or general context.

I try to measure the audience of what I write, and if you go back and check the kind of problem the OP is trying to approach, and how the question is articulated, it's clear that there is some programming seasoning behind.

Maybe I should have written "given the way it's formulated I would think it would be easy for you to learn" to not piss off anyone, but I didn't think it was necessary. IDK, maybe I am also that pedantic, it can be.

As far as I remember, I never said things like that in an open context. Indeed, I usually recommend beginning with other languages.

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