Voyager Linux


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
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Well my testing laptop now triple boots. MX19 (Arch), MX21 (Debian) and now Voyager 23 (Ubuntu) It installed alongside the others very easy, lots to look through. Updates, customizes very easy also. Gonna play around with it some more. MX has become my fav. Simple and easy to maintain.

Added Voyager to the Dell Inspirion Touchscreen laptop alongside MX it does all the work on install, touch screen works well also. I am liking Voyager. Also just installed it on an old desktop with 16 gigs of DDR3 ram, it worked just fine on that one. Gonna give that one to my older niece.
I have Voyager Live as live ISO, the previous edition before this latest release. I have it booting through Ventoy but does it very slowly. (shrugs)

Its GNOME is very nice and different from the "usual" or "vanilla" look. (thumbs up) Could also go into XFCE session but why? Leave that to Emmabuntiis or Liveslak LOL!

The wallpapers are unique. Some of them are just pictures of people in action, a nice touch!

Sadly this is something I would never install. Like the rest of Ubuntu, too top-heavy and I don't want two desktop environments in one Linux OS installation.
The older desktop is an LGA1150 Asus Z87 With an intel I7 and 16gb of DDR3 it runs very well and fast on that platform. I updated Mint on another, a while ago the update went smooth no problems at all. 3 weeks ago did another update and it just kinda crapped out. Lost boot menu, Would not recognize the M.2 NvMe anymore, had a similar problem on a laptop with Mint not updating, replaced that with MX 21. I have a daily running MX, and a laptop With MX 19 and 21 dual boot. So I seem to have mostly settled on MX.

The older desktop as I said I am giving to my Niece, and let her and her son play through Voyager.

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