Ubuntu Install - Isn't Happening..


arthur brogard

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04, which I just downloaded, 32 bit, onto an old P4 machine with Win7 currently installed.

I've tried alongside and I've tried sole install. Can't do either.

It all seems to proceed so incredibly slowly.

And it stops at that screen where you are to move the slider to allocate disk space. I can move the slider but I never get a 'continue' option. It stays greyed out.

And last night it stopped at the wifi connect. I left it on all night to give it a chance but this morning just the same.

So I tried without the wifi and hung at the disk allocation.

Tried side by side and tried sole.
Same problems.

The computer only has a 40g drive. 27g used now by win7. Ubuntu asks for 7.5. I try to allocate 10 to ubuntu.

Do you think I've got a bad setup disk or does it look like a bad host machine or I'm doing something wrong... or what?

How much ram and what graphics card does your system have? For older machines you may want to consider Lubuntu, Xubuntu, or maybe Kubuntu. Ubuntu is a bit of a resource hog.
How much ram and what graphics card does your system have? For older machines you may want to consider Lubuntu, Xubuntu, or maybe Kubuntu. Ubuntu is a bit of a resource hog.

Yes, I see that. I got it in somehow. As sole OS. And now it sets there waiting for my password and even entering that is the slowest thing I've ever seen.

I will zap it and try something else.

Only onboard graphics and I don't know what ram. I'll look at it and see. Pity windows is gone or I could have checked quicktime....

Ah... managed to find the ubuntu sys facts thing: P4 @ 2.4G with 1.4G Ram and VESA 6325 graphics, whatever they are, onboard as I say.

It is pretty ancient alright. The board is an MSI N1996

I've got a bit of this old rubbish and I was thinking of cobbling togethere whatever would work and running some variety of Linux on each of them and using them for such as wireless IP camera monitors/recorders, dedicated data storage, whatever.
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