timeout in microseconds




I would like to make a program to handle several communication modules.
I have just found a good HOWTO. But I have got one problem. I want to handle a serial port with timeout in microseconds.
Here is a code fragment from this site:

int res;
struct timeval Timeout;

/* set timeout value within input loop */
Timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* milliseconds */
Timeout.tv_sec = 1; /* seconds */
res = select(maxfd, &readfs, NULL, NULL, &Timeout);
if (res==0)
/* number of file descriptors with input = 0, timeout occurred. */

I would like to have an extra variable for microseconds. :)
Can I solve somehow this demand?

The rest of HOWTO can be understood very well by me.

I saw that microsecond cannot reach in an easy way neither in generally.

Tanks, David

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