I have read other threads on setting up a boot splash image (or video) and removing the boot text on boot up, but have always come across issues because of the OS (Bullseye, 11, Lite) or because of deprecated packages (omxplayer, plymouth methods don't seem to work).
I'm hoping someone may have the key to an issue I've been sitting with for a week!
Here's my OS details:
Here's what I've completed so far:
in: /boot/config.txt
*I'm not sure if Plymouth was originally in there, or just orphaned previous attempts, but the raspberry icons and initial startup (not later) boot text is removed.
in: /etc/systemd/system/splashscreen.service (a service I created to show a splash image on boot)
I would also run the following lines of code after setting the files up above (I'm not sure if enable alone is sufficient):
systemctl enable splashscreen
systemctl start splashscreen
As you can see I have tried different things in the commented lines of code.
Originally I was trying with a single splash screen image using fbi.
This worked to a point. On boot, no text was shown, the splash image was shown, but after 2 seconds, boot text (auto login, and x server code) appears on top of the splash image which looks terrible.
My second iteration, as shown above in the uncommented code, involves using fim, and a slideshow approach with the first image being the correct splash page, and the second image in the folder being a black image (so when the auto login and x server text appear, they appear on the black image after the official splash page is shown).
This works a lot of the time, but not all the time. It seems to be affected randomly on reboot vs shutdown and restart, specifically with switching the order of the two slideshow images. It seems to randomly put the black image first, then the official splash image, then the autologin and xserver boot text appears on top of the official splash image. Simply switching the names 1.png and 2.png of the two images, doesn't solve the order of the appearance of the slideshow images, because shutdown and restart actions seem to affect the sequence showing. I'm not sure if shutdown and restart keeps a "memory" of the remaining sleep time in the code, thereby not reseting the image display order?
If anyone has any advice on how to update the systemd file above (or any alternate method) I'd appreciate it soo much
My goal would be either:
1. To not have a slideshow, just the single image for the splash, follwoed by no boot text (effectively how do I hide the autologin text and the x server text. I need these things both to happen, just invisibly.
2. Get my fix of having the autologin and x server boot text to appear consistently on the second black image (which it currently does part of the time with the code above) but to resolve the issue where sometimes the official splash image and the black images are displayed in different orders depending somehow on reboot or shutdown/restart actions, and I cannot identify which messes it up. It might go wrong on an uplug, and then consistently go wrong on future reboots.
Please help!
- - - -
Just to add, the inconsistencies with the order in which 1.png and 2.png are shown are not just because of reboot vs shutdown/restart.
I just ran a test with 4 "sudo reboot"s from the console and the first three were perfect (showing the official splash page for a few seconds (1.png) followed by the black page image (2.png) with the autologin and x server text on top of the second black image).
But the forth sudo reboot, switched the order, showing 2.png first (the black image), followed by the official splash page (1.png) but then all the console text was on top of this official splash page image).
Really is driving me crazy. Please help :roll: :?
I'm hoping someone may have the key to an issue I've been sitting with for a week!
Here's my OS details:
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
Here's what I've completed so far:
in: /boot/config.txt
console=serial0,115200 console=tty3 root=PARTUUID=2da566aa-02 rootfstype=ext4 fsck.repair=yes rootwait systemd.restore_state=0 rfkill.default_state=1 loglevel=0 consoleblank=0 plymouth.enable=0 quiet logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
in: /etc/systemd/system/splashscreen.service (a service I created to show a splash image on boot)
Description=Splash Screen
#Type=idle <<< I have tried with/without this, doesn't seem to fix the issue
ExecStart=/usr/bin/fim -a -u -q -R /opt/splashfolder -c 'while(1){display;sleep "3";next;}'
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/fbi -d /dev/fb0 --noverbose -a /opt/single image/splash.png <<< I have tried with/without this, doesn't seem to fix the issue
Type=oneshot <<< I have tried with/without this, doesn't seem to fix the issue
# RemainAfterExit=no <<< I have tried with/without this, doesn't seem to fix the issue
I would also run the following lines of code after setting the files up above (I'm not sure if enable alone is sufficient):
systemctl enable splashscreen
systemctl start splashscreen
As you can see I have tried different things in the commented lines of code.
Originally I was trying with a single splash screen image using fbi.
This worked to a point. On boot, no text was shown, the splash image was shown, but after 2 seconds, boot text (auto login, and x server code) appears on top of the splash image which looks terrible.
My second iteration, as shown above in the uncommented code, involves using fim, and a slideshow approach with the first image being the correct splash page, and the second image in the folder being a black image (so when the auto login and x server text appear, they appear on the black image after the official splash page is shown).
This works a lot of the time, but not all the time. It seems to be affected randomly on reboot vs shutdown and restart, specifically with switching the order of the two slideshow images. It seems to randomly put the black image first, then the official splash image, then the autologin and xserver boot text appears on top of the official splash image. Simply switching the names 1.png and 2.png of the two images, doesn't solve the order of the appearance of the slideshow images, because shutdown and restart actions seem to affect the sequence showing. I'm not sure if shutdown and restart keeps a "memory" of the remaining sleep time in the code, thereby not reseting the image display order?
If anyone has any advice on how to update the systemd file above (or any alternate method) I'd appreciate it soo much
My goal would be either:
1. To not have a slideshow, just the single image for the splash, follwoed by no boot text (effectively how do I hide the autologin text and the x server text. I need these things both to happen, just invisibly.
2. Get my fix of having the autologin and x server boot text to appear consistently on the second black image (which it currently does part of the time with the code above) but to resolve the issue where sometimes the official splash image and the black images are displayed in different orders depending somehow on reboot or shutdown/restart actions, and I cannot identify which messes it up. It might go wrong on an uplug, and then consistently go wrong on future reboots.
Please help!
- - - -
Just to add, the inconsistencies with the order in which 1.png and 2.png are shown are not just because of reboot vs shutdown/restart.
I just ran a test with 4 "sudo reboot"s from the console and the first three were perfect (showing the official splash page for a few seconds (1.png) followed by the black page image (2.png) with the autologin and x server text on top of the second black image).
But the forth sudo reboot, switched the order, showing 2.png first (the black image), followed by the official splash page (1.png) but then all the console text was on top of this official splash page image).
Really is driving me crazy. Please help :roll: :?