Solved Strange one today, any ideas why?

Solved issue


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2023
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I went to install Mint on a client's machine today, and after giving him some time playing with the live version, went to do a "Install along side of wondoze" (to give him time to get used to & I'd come back in a few weeks and do an "erase entire disk" install...he's an 89 year old pistol and has been on me to do this for a few weeks), and the option to do along side of windoze wasn't even an option (erase disk only). He had a 512Gb nvme SSD with plenty of space, so I can't figure out why it didn't give me the option??
Any ideas?

i've read about a mismatch with grub/os-prober recognition when one os is installed in bios/mbr mode and the other is in uefi. i've never heard of that happening with an installer, but might be worth a check.

otherwise there's always manual partitioning.
otherwise there's always manual partitioning.
I'd go there on one of my machine's, but not on a client's. I appreciate the reply ;)
i've read about a mismatch with grub/os-prober recognition when one os is installed in bios/mbr mode and the other is in uefi.
I had a thought, so I just called him and had him check to see if Bitlocker (windose disk encryption) was enabled, and it was. I'm thinking this might have been the cause. Now I'm kicking myself in the butt for not thinking of it earlier. A lot of OEM machines are being shipped with it turned on by default lately.
It can still be done, I'll just gave to disable it first and try again. I'm hoping that was the problem, but can't be certain until I try. Will update.
Bitlocker was turned on, and when I turned it off, and it finished decrypting the device, I had the option to install along side after booting back into mint live usb, and was able to create a partition to install to.

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