Strange issue with access rights - "Permission denied" and own folder



I am trying to use a MyBook-Live NAS-Drive as a Web-Server. I did manage to do this and it works fine. However, I would now like to shift the content directory from /var/www/ to one of the shares under /shares/...

And this is where the problems start. For some reason, the apache user www-data doesn't have access to the target folder even though the attributes for the folder seem to be right (rwxrwxr-x). I tried also using rwxrwxrwx and even tryed to chown chgrp the folder to the www-data user. No matter what I try I get the same result.

MyBookLive:/shares# su www-data
MyBookLive:/shares# ls -l
total 256
drwxrwxrwx 3 www-data www-data 65536 Feb 16 18:39 4Webserver
drwxrwxrwx 9 root share 65536 Nov  4  2011 Public
MyBookLive:/shares# su www-data
MyBookLive:/shares$ cd 4Webserver/
sh: **cd: 4Webserver/: Permission denied**

I am running out of ideas what may be the reason for this. What other control mechanism can block the access to the 4Webserber directory???

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