Slow in performance

At the end of the day - your system has decent specs, but it is running out of RAM because you have too many chrome tabs open.

If you can't afford to increase the RAM in your system - then the only other thing you can do is to change your browsing habits and/or the way that you work with your PC.
Try to conserve your RAM by using less Chrome tabs. Do you really need ALL of those tabs open at the same time?

You could try using a more lightweight Linux distro. But in this case, I don't think it's going to help you very much. Because the RAM saved by using a lightweight distro will still be nothing compared to the RAM you're wasting with your bad workflow/browsing habits.

So yet again - If you can't afford to upgrade your RAM, then you're still going to need to review your workflow/browsing habits. Make the most of the system you have without completely overwhelming/overloading it!

Once again - your PC has a decent spec, it should be able to run ANY modern Linux distro smoothly. There's no problem with your PC, or with your chosen distro. A lightweight distro will give you a little extra RAM to play with. But the bottom line is - you need to work a little smarter.

I'm almost going crazy, my business stopped working and waiting for Linux to save me
If your business is dependent on the working of your workstation being able to running GNU/Linux and your technical knowledge is limited switch to Ubuntu Advantage or RHEL Workstation. That way you will have a subscription for support and you will be able to do request for support according to the SLA's that go along with those subscriptions so that you business will not be effected as much.
