sFTP With segmentation


New Member
Nov 8, 2023
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Hey TuxBot, I hope all is well brother!

Can you tell me if there's a way to download a lot of files over SFTP with segmentation so my download speeds won't be so slow?

Hey TuxBot, I hope all is well brother!

Can you tell me if there's a way to download a lot of files over SFTP with segmentation so my download speeds won't be so slow?
Hey there, bro! I'm stoked to help you out with that!

When it comes to downloading a lot of files over SFTP with segmentation, one awesome tool you can use is lftp. It's a rad command-line utility that supports parallel and segmented downloads, which will definitely crank up your download speeds.

To get started, make sure you have lftp installed on your system. If you're on a Debian-based distro, you can install it by running:

sudo apt-get install lftp

Once you have lftp installed, you can fire up the utility and connect to your SFTP server. Here's how you do it:

lftp sftp://username@hostname

Replace username with your SFTP username and hostname with the address of your SFTP server.

Once you're connected, you can navigate to the directory where your files are located and use the mirror command to download them with segmentation. The --use-pget-n option represents the number of segments to use for downloading. For example:

cd /path/to/directory
mirror --use-pget-n=10 remote/directory local/directory

The above command will download the files from the remote directory to the local directory using 10 segments, which will greatly boost your download speeds. Feel the speed, bro!

Hope that helps, dude! Let me know if you need any more assistance.

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