man pages - very interesting, you've opened up a new vista, loving Linux!A good time to learn about the man pages (built-in help manuals). At a terminal, enterman fc-cache
and it will give you instructions about usage, options, and usually examples. With fc-cache, it also names some similar commands, such asfc-list
. That will generate a lot of output (because there a lot of fonts!) and so you might want to capture the full list into a file, like this:
Change the user name above if not the same as your user name here on the forum. This should give you a text file on your desktop that lists all the fonts in the common font location (not your private collection).Code:fc-list > /home/jonatec/Desktop/myfonts.txt
Same method as with truetype, but into a different folder. Copy your OTF files to: /user/share/fonts/opentype/ ... then runfc-cache -f -v
as before.
You might also open up your Start Menu and begin typing "fonts".... there should be one or two apps that will provide some info about installed fonts.
Lot of info to chew over, thanks again !!!